16 | tattoos together

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It was already 4 a

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It was already 4 a.m. by the time Jeongguk found himself standing in front of a shady, back alley tattoo parlor, illuminated by soft, yellow lamps inside, and bright, neon purple signs on the outside.

"How do you know this place exists?" Jeongguk asked when the duo stood in front of the shop. He brought his hands close to his lips, rubbing them together as he blew over them.

Taehyung seemed to notice and draped his arm over his shoulder, pulling him close to his side. "I came here with Jin a few months ago. He's best buds with the main artist here."

"But both of you don't have any tattoos?" Jeongguk craned his neck to get a better look at his face.

"You sure about that?" Taehyung grinned, the skin around his nose crinkling. He tugged at the lobe of Jeongguk's ear. He yelped, scowling as he slapped his hand away.

"I've seen you in short sleeves," Jeongguk said, his fingers hooking over Taehyung's wrist.

"But you haven't seen my legs," He winked at him.

"Why would I see your legs? It's winter," His eyes narrowed at him.

"That's the point," Taehyung patted his shoulder. "You haven't seen my legs."

He sounded awfully ominous much to Jeongguk's own liking. Whatever it was that he was hiding, he wasn't really sure he wanted to know. He pushed Taehyung's arm off of him, lips crumpled into his trademark frown while Taehyung simply chuckled, the sound rumbling in his throat.

"C'mon," He grabbed him by the wrist with a toothy, rectangular smile. "Let's get matching ones."

"Matching ones?" Jeongguk stood his ground despite Taehyung tugging him forward. He raised an eyebrow at him, "Don't people say any relationship is automatically doomed once they get matching tattoos?"

"Well, we were already doomed from the start, Jeon," Taehyung said soberly.

At that, a part of his chest crumbled realizing that he was true. A tattoo curse would be the least of their worries.

"Fine," Jeongguk hesitantly gave in, the tension in his shoulders easing ever so slightly. "But nothing big. I don't wanna freak out my funeral coroner with a massive asscheek tattoo, or something."

"Of course," Taehyung left his side to hold the door open for him. He grinned and gestured at the entrance. "We'll get small ones. Not on our asses. I have a plan."

"Wow. I don't get to choose my own tattoo?" He snickered softly, following him into the small studio. He surveyed the room, not at all surprised by the black and dark purple theme, and the fact that most of the tattoo tables were behind the cramped in an area behind reception desk.

"You can get another one if you want," Taehyung said. "Depends if you can take pain."

"I get poked with needles every other day," He muttered. "Pain is the least of my worries."

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