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Jeongguk was ice-skating

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Jeongguk was ice-skating. Against his will.

You see, he thought Taehyung was going to bring him to that pancake place again and make him pay for the entire bill. Jeongguk was fine with anything that didn't involve any physical effort, and plus food was good!

Food was always comforting, even if he wasn't able to keep things down as much as he usually could lately. However, that wasn't the point. Jeongguk assumed the plan was to just grab food, spend a few hours with Taehyung, and go on with their lives.

But no— Taehyung brought him to an ice skating rink, and Jeongguk couldn't back out unless he wanted to be a bitch all over again. It wasn't worth the risk, and Taehyung looked so goddamn excited, he knew he would feel even more guilty than he originally was if he were to ditch him.

And so, that was how Jeongguk found himself with skates on, standing by the entrance to a freezing cold rink, gripping onto the side bars for dear life.

Jeongguk didn't have a good history with sports. He wasn't that talented at many things, and his subpar skills reflected in his unfortunate position as a bench-warmer on the high school basketball team. He wasn't the most athletically-inclined either, especially after he got diagnosed.

Taehyung was a different story. The guy was all lean muscles, stamina, and strength. Pair that with his unruly hair, irritating smirk, and his natural ability to glide over ice with ease, it was just another blatant reminder that Kim Taehyung was nothing and will never be anything like him.

"Oh fuck you. You're just showing off now," Jeongguk said over the chatter of his teeth. He regretted not wearing something thicker.

"Come on, Jeon, it's not too bad!" Taehyung called out to him. Jeongguk gave him a nasty glare.

"It's gonna be bad," He sneered, eyeing the ice like it murdered his cousin or something. "I'm fine here."

"Join me," He beamed, skidding to a graceful stop in front of him. Jeongguk whipped his attention back to where he stood, brows raising high.

"Are you trying to kill me?" He blinked slowly.

Taehyung's smile grew impossibly wider, "No, I'm asking you to come here and play a few games with me. If you suck ass, we can just hit a puck back and forth."

"This is your idea of comfort?" Jeongguk wanted so badly to judge, but if he were to upset Taehyung right now, he wasn't so sure if he could bear the weight of any more guilt. Taehyung already did so much for him; this was the least he could do.

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