Winning a battle/Losing the War

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River POV

I wake up to Izzie slamming my door open, "Why is both yours and George's rooms bigger than mine?!" and she storms out as George is behind her and looks very confused.

We then hear noise in Meredith's room and hear her complain again, "George and River's rooms are bigger than mine," I hear Meredith get up only to fall as she found her way to the rest of us. "I have more clothes, I should have a bigger room,"

"I got here first," George whined like a child.

"It's Meredith's house, she should decide,"

"Okay! Knock it off! I have the bigger bedroom between you three because I don't know when my fiancée will be here, if I will still here when he gets here, so Meredith was nice enough to give us some more space. Now, Izzie knock it off the other two rooms were first come, first serve, and George was here first. And for fucks sake George's room is only two inches bigger," I saw Meredith give me a thankful look as she grabbed Izzie's coffee and slammed the door to the bathroom in the children's faces as they were stunned in silence from my outburst. I turned back to the other two, "Now get ready to go, Dead Baby Bike Race is today, and from what I've heard it is quite brutal, so we will be busy, get going," I said with a glare and they both ran off as Meredith snuck out of the bathroom.

At the hospital, Bailey came in looking more angry than usual, making me think she had already had a run in with the race, especially the muttering about "fools on bikes". I heard Alex ask George about what was up with Bailey. Apparently he hadn't heard about the race either.

We found the Chief, Burke and Shepherd looking at a neat and tidy OR board and the Chief was giving compliments about the board and how they could possibly go home early. Time for Bailey to ruin that.

"Chief! Dead baby bike race started twenty minutes ago," she told him.

The Chief turned around immediately, "All right, people! Dead baby bike race day!"

The schedule was wiped off as George and Meredith explained what the race was. "Don't you wonder why someone would name a bar something so disgusting?" Izzie cringed. I rolled my eyes, it's an adrenaline thing, and they are adrenaline junkies. "Keep your pants on, Nancy Drew," Cristina, who I think is also a slight adrenaline junky, said.

"All-out, no holds barred competition, sounds like fun," Alex said. I can't believe I'm silently agreeing, I would find it fun if I could watch it and not participate in it. Cristina expressed her displeasure at having to bandage up people while the others expressed their disagreement with Alex.

Thankfully Bailey came up before my opinion was asked, "I need someone to get up to the OR floor, the Chief needs a right hand," we all raised our hands, but she chose George.

"Okay people, the rules of trauma. Don't mingle with the ER interns, they don't know their ass from their esophagus. Sew fast, discharge fast, take bodies up to the OR yesterday. Don't let me catch you fighting over patients. Got it? Come on, let's go," we all ran for position and looked around to see all the injured bikers.

"Oh, it's like candy, but with blood, which is so much better," Crisitna said.

"Oh my god..." Izzie managed to let out as she looked at the carnage.

"Mine," Cristina claimed a patient.

"I saw him first," Izzie argued as they both run off.

Of course Alex and Meredith had the same thing happen to them while I just rolled my eyes and started helping the "uninteresting cases". Bailey had even come by at some point, "You know sometimes I appreciate an intern who will take the simple cases over running for the interesting ones. Tell anyone I said that I will make your internship hell," she said as she walked away and I sent her a smirk when her back was turned. "Damn," said the guy I was stitching up.

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