Deny, Deny, Deny

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River POV

We were talking about Cristina who had kept making an appearance during rounds. We were with a patient, Kalpana, when Bailey asked Izzie a question about her diagnosis when Cristina had made her appearance yet again. "Out! You better be in your room by the time we round on you," Bailey had said.

"And when will that be?"

"In 15 seconds. 14, 13,-"

"If you keep yourself out of trouble and find something to do, I will tell you and Meredith who my father is," I whispered in her ear and she had quickly walked off as fast as she could. Although, she wasn't really aware of her underwear showing until, Nice panties, Yang," came out of Alex's mouth.

When we finally did come across her, she was sitting in her bed looking highly annoyed as her mother kept telling her off and snitching on her. "Mer. Riv. You cannot leave me alone with her. I'm flying over the cuckoo's nest here. You have to save me," she begged us.

"You need time to heal," Meredith said followed by me saying, "Remember what I said."

"I'm healed," Cristina claimed as we both walked out.

"What did you say?"

"That if she found something to keep her busy that I would tell you both who my father was," I said. Meredith's eyes widened, "Oh, she better."

After finishing rounds, I left with Alex to look at the other cases that were walk-ins. "Abdominal pain. Abdominal pain. Perirectal abscess. Gunshot wound to the head," he was naming off and we both stopped hearing the last one. He was about to call for trauma, but me being my father's daughter, wanted to see to this myself. "Why don't we see who it is first, if this was just a walk-in that hasn't been seen then there's something different about this," I said. I convinced Alex to not make a fool of himself and we asked the nurse where the GSW was.

"There's your gunshot victim," the nurse pointed to a man reading a magazine by himself. He seemed rather okay other then the bit of red tinge in his forehead. Now I was more intrigued.

"Him?" Alex clarified.

I nudged his side, "Told you. Wanna share this one?"

"Sure. Cause I'm confused," Alex said. We walked over to the man and called him over for a physical exam, hoping we would find something to end our curiosity. "You're're talking...there's no exit wound. This mark here looks more like a burn," Alex said, verbally clarifying that the examination did not help our curiosity.

"I'm telling you, I shot myself. Pulled the trigger while I was cleaning my .22. I thought the clip was out. If you're thinking suicide, don't. People make mistakes. I made a mistake. And now I'm paying for it. But I did shoot myself," something didn't seem right about his explanation. He sounds too remorseful at one part, like he did something else that landed him here. I explained this to Alex, he could see my reasoning but he was still confused, "So what do you think happened?" he asked me.

"Well it wasn't suicide, or else we would've tried it again and not come here or he would have realized his mistake and admitted to it, being a bit more believable than that was. When he said he made a mistake and was paying for it, it wouldn't sound good in the sentence as 'I shot myself' so I believe he may have been shot by someone," I explained. When he was getting a CT, the tech was saying, "You say he got shot in the head?"

"He says he got shot in the head. We aren't quite sure because his story is not making total sense," Alex said. He originally thought it might have been something mentally up with him until I brought up that maybe he had actually been shot. An older blonde woman had walked in, "Um, hi."

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