It's the End of the World/As We Know It

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River POV

You know you're a child of a well known doctor if you can pick up just how the day is going to go. Meredith and I happen to be two of those people. We were both lying in the same bed not wanting to go into the hospital today. For some reason Mark is busy and apparently it's a surprise that only Meredith and Cristina knew about. My dad had apparently been doing really well and is to be released soon and Wilson and Cuddy are to check for drugs that are not his usual ones.

"We're just not going," Meredith said for us both with a sniffly Izzie came back into Meredith's room.

"You both have to go to work. You're interns," Izzie said.

"Oh no, I can claim bad morning sickness," I said.

"You're out of your first trimester, you won't get morning sickness much anymore," Izzie countered.

"Yeah, but it's not like the Chief would know that," I argued.

"Bailey would," Izzie, George, and Meredith said.

"UGH," I moaned and got up, snatching the cereal Izzie was munching on and went and got dressed, while the other two were still trying to get Meredith get up. Then Crisitna was called in for reinforcement. "We both have a feeling, a bad feeling, Meredith feels like she's gonna die, and I just have a feeling something drastic will happen today that is going to stress me the fuck out. Now Meredith get the fuck up, if I'm going, your going. We'll be miserable together, if something happens where you feel like you're going to die, we'll hope and pray you're alive at the end," I snapped. I left the room not hearing the conversation between the two.

Cristina POV

"Well she is a cranky pregnant woman," I said.

"Yep, she scares me, I'm getting up, I'd rather die than deal with cranky hormonal pregnant River. Can't wait for Mark to come," Meredith said as she threw her blankets off and we left the room seeing George and Izzie look a bit scared in the hall. "River?" we both asked. The two nodded and we all stayed in the hallway in silence until, "GET READY," came from the kitchen as Meredith, George, and Izzie all rushed to get ready.

River POV

At the hospital we were all mumbling about the sucky residents we had been getting. I guess the ones who sort us to residents really picked well because we all worked the best with Bailey. We were all hearing the argument between Izzie and Alex about him cheating when he was just asking about charts. "Wonder which resident we have to suck up to today," Cristina said.

"That would be me," Bailey spoke behind us.

"Dr. Bailey," Cristina said in shock.

"I've been gone two weeks, two weeks, and you ran off two residents? I've got people phoning me at home, screaming, telling me my interns are Rosemary's babies and that one of them is actually having Rosemary's baby. Nobody wants you. Do you think I have the time for this? I am pregnant! I'm supposed to be on bed rest. I'm supposed to be growing a human being. I'm supposed to be calm. Do I look calm to you?" She didn't she definitely did not look calm, "Did I raise you fools to be pariahs?" she finished.

George pushed right passed us form the back with a straight face up to an angry Bailey and hugged her, "You're back," we heard him say.

"I'm not back," Bailey yelled.

"You're not?" George mumbled.

"Get off me," Bailey snapped, hitting him on the back and George pulled away as a siren sounded. "Yang, Karev, Grey, Stevens, stay here and wait for the incoming case. Blackburn, page Addison Shepherd. O'Malley get a wheelchair."

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