Grandma Got Ran Over By a Reindeer

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River POV (2 week time skip)

Meredith and I had walked into the house, only to be met with George with a bed head, as we stared at Izzie who was decorating the living room for Christmas.

"It looks like Santa threw up in here," George said.

"Just...go with it," Meredith replied, "We're being supportive,"

"Oh, hey," Izzie noticed us, "What do you think? Did I go too overboard? Oh, I know. I know sometimes I can go a little overboard."

"No, it's great," we were all saying.

"Oh, yay! I love Christmas," Yeah definitely couldn't tell.

"We know," "Clearly," "Totally didn't notice," came from the three of us again.

At the hospital, we were all watching Bailey, "She's almost as wide as she is tall," George said. "Are her ankles swollen? Is that why she's waddling?" Meredith had said.

I was keeping my mouth shut about this, I know Bailey is right in front of us and I hope she didn't hear the comments and snapped, because if it was me I would have snapped. "What's going to happen to us when she goes on leave?" Izzie asked.

"Leave she's going on leave?" Cristina questioned in surprise.

"What do you think happens when people push babies out of vaginas?" Meredith said. Then there was debate on what would happen, would we get a new resident or get to wander by ourselves. Izzie, very much in the Christmas spirit, suggested giving Bailey a Christmas present for the baby. George and Meredith stopped Cristina from ruining her mood before Meredith was stopped by Derek for a second.

We soon met Tim Epstein, he had fallen from the roof of his house and was surrounded by young kids, a boy and two girls, they didn't understand they shouldn't be playing on their dad. Derek had joined as the neuro consult and took him as his patient and Izzie volunteered to be the intern which we were all thankful for. Bailey, who is about to be a mom, didn't want to deal with the kids. Next was Nadia, who was there for an ulcer removal, a man had gone off about how she kept getting rescheduled for an emergency, when Chief was about to talk, he saw I wanted to say something and let me go do what I do best, argue and guilt trip, "I'm sorry we have emergencies that come in quite a bit that are more important and life threatening than an ulcer, how would you feel, no, how do you think Nadia would feel if she went in to have surgery, instead of somebody who was bleeding out internally and needed emergency surgery but couldn't because of an ulcer surgery, no offense Nadia," I said.

"None taken," she said, the two were arguing with us shut up after that. "Now, as far as we know, Mr. Shelton, your wife will get her surgery this morning." The family gave there thanks and George was left with the family.

"Damn, heart transplant, would've like to have seen that," Alex said. He, Meredith, and I were just assigned to the pit when Burke had said something about a heart transplant. "There's always tomorrow," Meredith said.

"Maybe for you," Alex said.

"Meaning?" Meredith and I said.

"I retake the boards tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna fail," he replied, looking a bit depressed, "Which makes today my last day here and I get to spend it doing stitches in the pit."

Alex had went into the bathroom, Meredith and I shared a look, we could help him, what better then two fellow interns who are children of well known doctors? We were then called about an emergency in the pit, so we rushed out as the paramedic said, "Male, 44, had a gastric bypass, three weeks post-op. Reported extreme pain when we found him. Said something about fruitcake."

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