Into You Like A Train

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River POV

I was sitting with the others away from Meredith, for moral support. "I actually said "Pick me". Right? I did? "Pick me"?"

"I think it's romantic," Joe said.

"It's not romantic. Joe, it's horrifying. Horror movie horrifying. Carrie at the prom with the pig's blood horrifying," Meredith countered.

"I love that movie," I said, the others gave me a weird look, "What I'm a horror movie fan," and we looked back at Meredith and Joe.

"Ok, fine, it's horrifying..." Joe started doing his job as 'Bartender who also is great at psychology without even studying it' and tried to reassure Meredith while we were talking about whether we think Derek will actually show up.

"It was getting hard to watch an hour ago. Now it's just pathetic," Cristina said.

"Who's pathetic?' Meredith's drunk mind allowing her to hear us at the wrong time. We gave Cristina a look and she looked away, "What?"

"You, who pretended to be my friends are calling me pathetic behind my back in front of my face. Why don't you just dump the pig's blood on me now and get it over with?" Meredith ranted, she looked at the door only to see Tyler, the scrub nurse walk in. My pager went off, "He's really not coming," Meredith said to herself as I was checking my pager only for George's and quickly followed by others, '911' it said.

"We just worked a thirty hour shift," Izzie said after we saw the news about the train wreck. "I don't have any clean underwear," George complained.

"The Vancouver-bound train was carrying over 300 passengers," the TV said. We were getting ready to leave when I got a text, 'I hope and so does Mark whenever he wakes up, that you were not on that train,' came from my dad.

'No, I'm headed to help the victims now.' I sent back. Meredith was stumbling over, I knew she was going to be told to sit out.

"Way to go Bailey," I said when she walked in, ready for a date. She handed Alex her purse and shoes, and told him to go get her work ones. "Hello, I seem to be a bit drunk. I was off duty," Meredith said.

"So was I!," Bailey exclaimed, "Anybody else half in the bottle?" she asked us, we shook our heads, George going as far as sniffing his own breath. "All right then. Grey just stay out of the way. I'll deal with you later. The rest of you, stick with me and wait for your assignments. Now you get all aquiver at the sight of blood and organs but it's gonna be a long night and you are already tired. I don't want any mistakes," she urged Cristina who had been tying her gown to hurry up. I saw Tyler say something to Meredith making her confused and giving me a curious look. We saw Derek entering the area and wondered if he was actually choosing Meredith.

Cristina left with a patient who got his leg severed, thankfully they still had the leg, and then the Chief who was called over by Derek to be cleared to practice medicine, which annoyed him as chief, he could at least direct the incoming patients even if it would be easier if he could help with the surgeries. They argue and walk off, Derek giving Meredith a small nod in passing, George and I went up to Meredith, "Was that a nod?" George asked.


"Do we know what it meant?" I asked.

"No," another patient goes passed us with an intern, "Are we invisible?" George questioned. "Blackburn! You're with me and Burke," Bailey called out. Meredith and I turned to see an older black man and a younger white woman with a pole stuck in them, they were facing each other, almost like they could have been hugging. A paramedic was explaining the situation, "His BP is looking steady at 90 over pal. She's had 2 hypotensive episodes to the low seventies."

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