Something To Talk About

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River POV

I was getting quite annoyed hearing others talking about how Meredith didn't know Derek was married, she was even listening to them gossip, I slammed my hand on the lockers making a loud bang, "Are you done?!" they looked at me stunned. "He never told her he was married, so how the fuck is she supposed to know? Actually...can I say it?" I asked Meredith at the end and she nodded, "She was avoiding him because she did find out he was married but he kept coming to her. What would you do if that was you?" they all looked down in shame and Meredith gave me a thankful nod.

We walked up to Izzie, George, and Cristina with Bailey at the nurses' station, "Where's Karev?" Bailey asked.

"Probably off somewhere, not kissing somebody," Izzie said.

"Let's go, O'Malley," and we all start walking off. The girls had gotten closer to Meredith and I. "Ah hmm. Hey so after rounds we have something to show you," Cristina said to us.

Izzie looked at Meredith closely, "Mer? Meredith, can you hear us?"

"She's not deaf," Cristina and I said.

"Well, she looks weird."

"Well what did you expect? Derek didn't pick her, she's gone mental," Actually she's been doing fine, she took an hour ranting between me, Mark, and my dad. My dad immediately approved of her, liking her better than her mother.

"Meredith have you gone mental?" Izzie asked.

"I have not gone mental."

"See, okay she's fine," then Cristina got excited, "We have something to show you. So whatever you do, do not get assigned to a surgery this morning. River this will make you very curious," Cristina added to me and I knew what she was implying. We made it to Kimberely Griswold's room. Her husband was rushing around the room as she was ordering him. She had a history of heart disease and was in for heart surgery again. Alex had joined late, he didn't get to answer as a punishment, the girls all said they didn't know the answer, even though it was obvious Cristina was leaning towards favoring cardio. George had answered the question before they moved on to me and Burke had him join the case. "Okay, move," Izzie said to us and we huddled off to the side as Alex was arguing with Bailey about why he didn't get to answer, he thought it was because he froze up in the elevator.

"And you four!" we jumped hearing Bailey, "Brush up on how to not embarrass me in front of the attending or I'll see to it that your hearts stop beating. We clear?" we mumbled out apologies, actually I don't know why I was, I didn't get to answer the question. We ran off after that, not seeing the amazed look she gave us.

"What is going on?" Meredith and I asked.

"We found a case," Izzie said.

"You stole a case?"

"Borrowed from psych," Cristina corrected, "Okay the prelims on this thing is totally unprecedented."

"And we found it," Izzie smiled.

"Stole it," Meredith said.

"I'm so proud," I praised.

"Found. Stole. Hijacked. Whatever. Okay, Meredith, River, behind this door is the coolest medical mystery I have ever seen," Cristina said as we walked down to the patients room. "Now you can walk away guilt free..." Cristina starts.

"I'm in," I immediately said.

"Mmm-Hmm," came from Meredith as if she was telling Cristina to continue.

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