Losing My Religion

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River POV

Before Mark and I could leave the hospital, I was pulled in to the Chief's office with my fellow interns. "I cut the LVAD wire," Izzie admitted. She was in her normal clothes like I was (although I was in sweats and my hair was a complete mess) and the others still in there scrubs. Cristina was upset because she couldn't bring herself to be supportive for Burke when he was awake during his surgery. Denny had somehow survived his heart transplant and then we were called in here.

"Actually..." Meredith started, "I cut the LVAD wire."

"No I did it," George immediately added, "I'm the one who cut the wire."

George nudged Cristina who I felt a bit of sympathy for, if Izzie hadn't stolen that heart, then Burke wouldn't have been shot, "Fine. I cut the LVAD wire," she said.

"I was busy recovering from pushing a baby's head out of my vagina," I spoke up and the Chief cringed, I learned from Bailey that he really didn't like hearing about babies coming out of vaginas.

"I didn't do anything I'm totally innocent," Alex said, only to get arguments out of the others.

"People! I know who did this, so you might as well come clean. I know," the Chief argued.

"With all due respect, sir," George started, "If you knew, you wouldn't be asking us," he said. "Idiot!" I heard my father yell at George, we all looked and saw Mark and Dad outside with a startled looking Rosemary as Mark was glaring at Dad who had the decency to look a bit apologetic.

"I did what I—," Izzie started.

"You have your suspicions," Meredith interrupted, "But you don't actually know."

"Not for sure," Cristina added.

"And you can't do anything to any of us without proof, sir," George added.

The Chief slammed his hands on his desk as he stood up, "Well, one of oyu compromised a patient's life. One of you stole an organ. One of you jeopardized the integrity of this hospital and of U.N.O.S. Now you tell me, and you tell me right now!" the chief yelled. I could hear my baby start crying as I moved my jacket over my chest, and the chief gave me an apologetic look. Nobody spoke, "All right, fine," he sat back down, and put on his glasses, we took that as an excise to leave, "No surgeries," the chief suddenly said.

"Sir," Cristina said as we all turned around.

"No one scrubs in, no one watches from the gallery, no one so much goes near the O.R. floor, until someone confesses, the five of you, I'm excusing River cause she would be as at risk as the person who did this to get in trouble when I know she hasn't done it, but the five of you will share a single patient—Camille Travis. Whatever she wants, the five of you will provide it, now get the hell out of my office and River, go home," he excused us.

"Good luck," I said to the others, "I believe Camille is his niece," I added as I walked towards my father and fiancée. "Hi Rosie," I said in a sweet voice making my daughter's eyes light up. I had to feed her before we left and change my shirt so I did both and found Cristina and Meredith as we were about to leave, "I didn't like teenage girls when I was a teenage girl," Cristina commented.

"I wore a lot of black," Meredith said.

"I had the grunge phase," I added walking up with them, "So what are you being forced to do?" I asked, seeing the two teenage girls excitedly talking in front of a bored Alex and George.

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