Save Me

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River POV

"She's getting serious about her interest in him. She asked to know about you," I told my fiancée. "Well how about tonight, you invite Cristina over, and you tell them both and we'll talk. Is that alright with you?"

"Yeah," I checked the time, "I gotta get ready to go."

"Okay, Love you,"

"Love you,"

I got dressed and headed downstairs to see Izzie stress baking again. George pointed out which cupcakes were the best but apparently another thing they didn't know which surprised them, "I'm gluten free," I said. "You're gluten free!" they both said and I walked over to my part of the pantry and pulled out gluten free bread and showed them, along with gluten free chips, and gluten free baking mix. Our pantry was split between what belongs specifically to each of us and then a shared shelf, but still gluten free bread tends to have that its gluten free in big letters. "Okay this is slightly unfair on you. How about when I figure out the recipe I make you a gluten free version," Izzie said. "That's okay, just don't forget xanthan gum or else it'll be dry," I said, "Oh, I'm also lactose intolerant and drink lactose free milk if you didn't see that either," I said to the two who looked alarmed, yeah they didn't notice.

Derek had come down and grabbed cereal instead, "You're like a health nut, aren't ya? You eat muesli every morning," George said.

"No I don't," Derek denied.

"Ok, the muesli thing, you do. The last seven days, at least," Izzie spoke up.

"Oh, come on. I haven't been here for a whole week. Have I?"

"Yes, yes you have," I said. I haven't been able to skype my fiancée in case Derek hears him all week. Meredith spoke up, "See? Even they think it's weird."

Later, at the hospital, I was with Cristina and Meredith as we examined x-rays. "This guy belongs in Psych. What are you doing turfing him here?" Cristina questioned the psych doctor.

"He's my gift to you. Had a seizure two days ago and another one this morning," he said.

"What are you talking about? It says right here. "He talks to dead people, his family thinks he's dangerous. They had him committed." That's Psych, not Neuro," Meredith argued.

"Man, didn't you go to med school?" came from Cristina.

"Yes, and unlike the correspondence school you attended..."

"Oh, that would be Stanford, right?" Cristina interrupted.

"I learned not to jump to conclusions. Sorry ladies. We can't take him back until he's cleared,"

"So, you're dumping him on us?" I said.

"He thinks his seizures are visions," was all the doctor said.

The patient finally spoke up, "Hello! They're not seizures. I'm psychic,"

Cristina argued with the psych doctor a bit longer before Mr. Duff was asked more questions and he goes into a trance, "Someone..." he finally says.

"Someone what?" I finally spoke.

"Someone's gonna check out. Bye-bye," Duff said.

"Oh man, he's nuts."

"I'm dizzy, not deaf, lady. And I'm telling you someone on the fourth floor is gonna die." Just then we heard on the PA system, "Code blue, fourth floor. Code blue, fourth floor," after we walked out to see if the guy did die and I pulled them closer to me, "Don't have any plans tonight, you're meeting my fiancée," they both jerked their heads to me, "Really?!" and I nodded.

Later we find out he is in fact having seizures, Cristina went to talk to the guy and later took herself off the case. I'm guessing he predicted something that upset her. Izzie, unfortunately, was now on the case. I was getting Mr. Duff ready for testing when he said, "Good luck with the fiancée," to me and I looked shocked because I knew Cristina and Meredith had not told anyone. "Will be some drama when he shows up to work here," he added. "Thank you and I know," I said, he looked a bit happy that I was a doctor and believed him.

Apparently he made a prediction for a neuro patient and got told off by Izzie later, even though it turned out Mr. Duff was in fact right. The conversation with other interns later had switched between Mr. Duff, and George's need to get laid. Cristina pointed out a red headed nurse nearby and told him to go for it. We were all kinda pushing him to go for it, except Alex he didn't really care.

I walked in later with consent papers, for Mr. Duff, "I need you to sign these, you have an AVM in her head that's about to burst and it will have very bad consequences. It's a tangle of blood vessels and could affect you speech among other things if it were to burst. Now, you did say something only two other people knew and wouldn't say anything for certain reasons, so yes I believe you have visions and that you're psychic, but you're also having seizures. I don't know what this will do to your visions so you just need to have hope," he signed the papers. "I'll have hope," he said. Thankfully he still had his visions. Meredith had come home rather quickly, stating Derek was picking her up later because she had something to do at home. Cristina also showed up, I set up my computer to get ready to Skype him.

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