Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head

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River POV

I found Meredith at the bar, talking to Joe, she got another drink from him as I sat next to her, "Getting drunk, now that she's here?" I questioned. "Yep," she answered as she took another shot.

"Oh, her boyfriend's wife had cheated on him by getting my fiancée drunk and sleeping with him while she was completely sober, pissing off her boyfriend and practically giving my fiancée an anxiety attack wondering how I would've reacted," I explained to Joe. "Well she's a bitch," Joe said. "Exactly," Meredith and I both said. "Well actually McShe-Devil, she's McShe-Devil, one of our fellow interns is McBitch," I added.

Cristina and George walked in, "All hail the champ!" Joe yelled. Everyone cheered for George and Joe continued, "So, my guy Alex finally got what was coming to him."

"George knocked him down in one punch. You should've seen it," Cristina said.

"I don't want to talk about it!" George yelled. George had found out he pretty much got syphilis from Alex who had also slept with Olivia. "Brag, champ, brag. You've earned it," Joe told him. "Can I have a beer, please?"

"Let's play a game of whose life sucks the most. I'll win. I always win," Meredith said.

"No, you don't want to play with me," Cristina spoke up.

"Oh, I do. I'll even go first. Derek's married," Meredith said, and George was the only one shocked as Cristina and I both knew, so George's spit take of beer was not really necessary. "George, beer is dripping from your nose," Cristina noted, disgusted.

"Told you I'd win," Meredith said.

"No, you didn't win," Cristina responded.

"Did you hear me? I said Derek is married. As in pigheaded, adulterous, liar married," okay I think that part was referencing Addison, "Nothing you could say could top that," Meredith complained.

"I'm pregnant, I win," Cristina revealed. Before anything could be said, we heard Joe groan behind us and I saw him hold his head and falls over, "Okay, maybe Joe wins," I said. We all rush over to Joe and he tried getting back up, "Joe, lie back down," Cristina told him.

"The medics are coming," Someone informed us.

"You called gurney patrol?" Joe asked. If Joe hadn't been having a meical emergency, I probably would've snorted.

"Sit back and relax. We have to take you to the hospital to run some tests," Meredith said.

"Tests? I don't need tests. I'm fine!" Joe denied.

"Because you so didn't bruise your ego by passing out in your own bar, onto the filthy floor. Knock it off with your manly pride, find somebody to watch the bar or have it closed for a few days, and sit back, relax, and shut the hell up," I said. Joe looked at me wide eyed and laid back until I turned to the others, "He didn't hurt his neck why don't we just take him across the street to the hospital instead of waiting for "gurney patrol" as he put it," I suggested. George helped him across the street.

"All right. Details. You're pregnant? What are you gonna do?" Meredith questioned Cristina. "Look, you both know what happens to pregnant interns. I'm not switching to the vagina squad or spending my life popping zits. I'm too talented. Surgery's my life," Cristina looked nervously at me. "I'm not going to judge you, neither would Mark, you didn't strike me as the motherly type in the first place. And it's your choice, I just think it would be best if the father knew unless it was a one night stand and you don't know who they are," I said. Cristina sighed in relief.

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