Blues for Sister Someone

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River POV

I was down the stairs with Mark when the little one hit rather hard, Derek and Meredith came down the stairs, "We gotta check on Doc," they said and walked out the door. "I wish I could go for three straight hours like they did after we got back," I commented. Mark smiled, "You really want sex, don't you?" he asked.

"Well we couldn't find a private enough place that would fit my belly so, yes," I said and turned around to get ready to leave. Mark drove me to the hospital because he had something he had to do later. I found Meredith, "How's Doc?" I asked.

"Might have a virus, but he seemed better," she said.

"You have sex with Derek?" Cristina asked, coming up behind us. Alex was beginning to look disturbed, "They went for about five hours, I'm surprised she can even walk," I said.

"No we didn't," Meredith argued.

"Mark and I spent two hours out, got back, and they were still going at for it for hours," I said. Cristina looked at Meredith with raised eyebrows when she didn't deny it again. Then we heard Addison complaining about the spilt coffee behind us, "She better not have heard that I don't want to deal with her," I said.

"I need an intern," Addison announced.

"I'm with Bailey," Meredith excused herself.

"I'm with Burke," Cristina excused herself.

"I'm too damn pregnant and questioning why I'm here," I excused myself.

"Karev," Addison sighed.

"I don't do vagina, not as a doctor anyway," Alex said.

Addison's head snapped up, oh this'll be good, "Oh, back talk. You know what? You just bought yourself a case," she said and slammed the binder onto Alex's arms. Izzie's annoyed self had walked out of the direction I knew where Denny was, oh goody McBitch, I bet she spent the night trying to prevent him from getting the portable LVAD.

"I see why you don't like Addison, I am she just went off at me on the case she forced me on," Alex said walking in.

"Did you tell off a pregnant woman?" I asked.

He kept quiet and I looked at him, "She is protective over the pregnant woman because they can change emotions with the snap of a finger, you still need to work on your bed side manners but sometimes you will get cases that you don't want, and then you have to deal with it, and make sure they don't know that you didn't want to be on their case," I told hm.

Then later I hear Bailey asking Meredith about the relationship between Izzie and Denny, we both kept quiet about it, not wanting to throw her under the bus, "Yeah, well I didn't think you and Yang would have a thing with attending but I was wrong, apparently," Bailey said, "I get to add Blackburn to that list too," she said, staring at me. "Hey, he doesn't work here yet," I defended myself.

Cristina had brought Meredith and I ice cream, "For the record, I am on your side today. George sucks," Izzie says coming between the three of us.

"Mmm. Burke doesn't think so. He's his new best friend," Cristina said.

"I wonder if Burke knows where he lives," Izzie commented, eating her own snack. I wonder where Callie lives? Of course, then Izzie asked about Denny.

"Did you really dump Alex for a heart patient?" Meredith countered.

"Of course not," Izzie immediately denied. Meredith and I had informed Izzie that Bailey is on her case about the two's small relationship.

"Hey," I heard and turned to find Mark, Meredith and Derek were nearby and saw the two. "I've got a surpise," he said. He helped me up as Addison walked by in surprise, "Is that?" Izzie asked George as they arrived, Alex stopped them both, "Trust me, this'll be good," he said. Meredith and Cristina agreed and silently told Derek to stay back, suddenly I heard, "WELL IF IT ISN'T THE ONE WHO GOT MY SOON TO BE SON IN LAW DRUNK AND SLEPT WITH HIM!" my mouth dropped in excitement. George, Izzie, and Derek's mouth dropped. Mark poked his head out, "Greg, we're over here," he said and I heard Derek say, "Her father's House, Dr. House?" he asked.

"Yep," Alex, Meredith, and Cristina all said. "We're her best friends and Alex found out so he would let her help him with scenarios when he was redoing his tests," Meredith said.

"Hi, Greg!" Meredith and Cristina said.

"Ah, Cranky and Sarcastic," he said after hugging me. Addison was in shock, now knowing what I meant by I could ruin her, just one word to my father. Alex may have already started doing that because Addison got threatened with a law suit by tying their patients tubes and putting it off as a complication. Even though as a result, Alex was now put on Addison's service until she says otherwise.

We got to go home, dad already had some of his stuff in his temporary room. George and Callie had come home, "So you're staying here for the night?" Izzie asked.

"Well it's my room, I pay the rent," George said.

"You're gonna have to stay on the couch then, you're room is being used by Greg," Meredith said walking in.

"That's fine, hi Greg," Callie said while also giving a wave to Mark and I.

"Hello Callie," Dad said, he then turned to me, "Still thinks she's into guys?" I nodded and headed up the stairs.

I was getting ready for bed and fell asleep at Mark's side, only to smack the man awake halfway through the night. My water had broken.

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