What Have I Done To Do This?

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River POV

I woke up next to Mark and still stared in shock that the man was next to me. He was being the big spoon in the bed and had his arms wrapped around me and one hand on my belly. Meredith opened our door, "Are you two naked?" she asked, covering her eyes. "I wish," Mark had said behind me, she came in and shut the door, "I slept with George," she admitted, laying down next to me as Mark had pulled me closer to him, "What?" we both said.

"It was stupid and now it will be awkward, but I slept with George, what am I gonna do if Derek kicks out McSheDevil for me??" Meredith rambled off.

"Tell him that he left you for McSheDevil cause he was too much of a wimp to divorce her," Mark said. Meredith seemed to be considering it as I got up, "You gonna be okay, by yourself?" I asked him. "Yeah, I will start looking for houses," he said, also getting up. I caught Meredith looking at his abs and I slapped her arm and she held her hands up and backed off. Meredith quickly went back to her room while both of us got ready and exited the room, right as George and Meredith did and they looked at each other awkwardly, only for it to be interrupted by Alex exiting Izzie's room, shirtless. We all stared at each other, "What? So I slept with him again. So I'm a big whore—a big horny whore who can't get enough. Can we get over the shocked silence already? I simply walked by, Mark trailing after, and high fived Izzie, and headed down the stairs.

"There's something going on. I mean, look at them," Izzie said. She, Alex, Cristina, and I were watching the two awkwardly interact. Of course I already told Cristina as soon as I saw her so we went with the flow of suspicion from the other two. "Was that Mark Sloan I had seen this morning?" Alex asked me. "He's my fiancée, he's hot, and nice to look at, of course I'd bring him back with me. He's moving in until we have a house, although I wish I was there having sex with him right now, and I don't know if that's me actually wanting too or the pregnancy hormones," I said.

"Oooo, do you know what you're having?" Izzie asked with excitement. The other three turned back to me, "A girl," I said, "Shush," I added knowing she was about to squeal.

We looked back at the two again, "Okay, maybe he caught her doing McDreamy...Did I just that dude "McDreamy"?" Alex said, looking a bit ashamed at the end.

"Hell yeah, you did," I said with a big smile. Alex got flirty with Izzie but she was pushing it off, her curiosity getting the best of her. She walked up to the two with Cristina and I following, Cristina giving Meredith a look which resulted in Meredith giving me an accusing look while directed my eyes too just Cristina saying she was the only one I told. "What's, uh, what's going on?" Izzie asked.

Meredith shut her locker, "Nothing," she answered.

"Oh, you know we're gonna find out anyway," Cristina teased.

"If you tell us, maybe we can help," Izzie said.

George shook his head, "There's nothing to tell," he made a mistake, there was definitely something now, and Izzie was going to move in on it. Cristina and I grinned seeing Meredith roll her eyes and sigh, she caught it too, "Oh, that means there's something to tell," Cristina said.

"Come on—" George started, closing his own locker.

"—There's nothing to tell," Meredith finished, walking by. We went to go start our rounds and heard a woman with a voice similar to McSheDevil talking about gardenias, "Who would like to present?" Burke asked.

"Keith Paulus, admitted last night with chest pains. Status post acute M.I. no family or personal history of heart disease, no cardiac risk factors," Cristina listed off.

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