Interlude (The Fiancée)

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River POV

"Okay he will be on in a second, but Meredith are you sure about Derek?" Meredith nodded. "Okay, well, be warned, Derek is married," I revealed. Meredith and Cristina were shocked.

"What?!" came from Meredith. "Yes they are taking their sweet time with a divorce," I replied as my fiancée answered. "Damn," both women said.

"Meredith, Cristina, meet my fiancée Mark Sloan," I introduced. "Hello!" he waved.

"Hi," they both said. "So how do you know what happened?"Cristina asked.

"Cause that fake red headed bitch got me drunk and took advantage of me in bed," Mark growled out. "Yeah, so we have actually been together for three years, but I was kept hidden because Derek and Addison or as I now like to call her McShe-Devil, would make comments about it wouldn't last because he's a man-whore. One night he was going to hang out with Addison because she seemed upset and I wouldn't be home anyway because I had a night class," I started.

"So she had brought my favorite beer and some wine and so we just talked and next thing I knew we were in bed naked and Derek was walking in," Mark said. Both women were listening with interest. "All that was really going through my mind was what was River going to do and I was getting very upset. I kicked out McShe-Devil and tossed her her clothes in the hallway while she was still just in her underwear and looked at the mess," he continued.

"When I came home, he was a crying mess, trying to explain what happened with McShe-Devil, how he didn't mean it, and I had already forgiven him," I said.

"Really?! No offense Mark," Cristina said. "None taken, I had the same reaction," Mark replied.

"Well think about it, he is genially crying and upset and when you look and see at least six to eight empty bottles of beer that you knew wasn't there that morning, along with an open bottle of wine that is only missing a sixteenth of it. What do you assume?" I said.

"Oooooh okay," Cristina said, seeing my point. "The worst part was afterwards when she told me she was pregnant. I could never more thankful for River supporting the child, but that went all crashing down when McShe-Devil told me she had an abortion. I had always wanted to be a dad and that was my opportunity. I hope one day to have some with River," he smirked at my blushing face. I saw Cristina look down like she was thinking about something.

"He needs a Mc name," Meredith said.

"McYummy?" came Cristina.

"No," I said, "McSteamy," I gave my suggestion.

"Yes!" they both said.

"Hm, so McDreamy, McSteamy, and McAss," I said.

"I guess we're gonna hear about McBambi's date soon," Cristina followed up after we said bye to Mark.

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