From a Whisper to a Scream

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River and Mark groan when a distressed Cristina burst through the door. "When did we forget to lock it?" Mark asked in confusion.

"We're sleep deprived with a toddler getting use to her teeth. Cristina, what's wrong?" River asked.

"Was I interrupting sex?" Cristina asked.

"Yes," the engaged couple say in unison.

"But, what's wrong?" River asked.

"Sorry Mark, I'm stealing River, I need Meredith too," Cristina said, pulling the brunette up and out of the bed. "Can I at least grab my shoes?!" River questioned loudly.

"Grab them, let's go," Cristina said impatiently.

Cristina sped to Meredith's house, not saying anything and then when she pulled in hurried out with River quickly following. When they entered Meredith's room, Meredith was in Derek's arms as he was kissing her neck. "Are we interrupting sex?" they ask.

"No," Derek replies sarcastically.

"Good. Get out," Cristina said, her tone still upset.

"What? You can't ask me to leave," Derek said.

"Meredith," Cristina said desperately.

"We're right in the middle of..." Derek was cut off by Mark peeking his head in and

saying, "Read the tone, Derek," making Cristina and River jump.

"Did you follow us?" Cristina asked.

"Obviously," Mark replies.

"Did you bring Rosie?" River asked.

"Mama!" River hears and Mark moves showing Rosie in his arms, "Obviously," he says, turning back to Derek, "My sex got interrupted too, Cristina is upset and needs to talk to her persons. Out," Mark pointed out the room and Derek sulked out the door. Cristina and River crawled onto the bed and under the cover.

"Why are you so sweaty and ick?" Meredith asked Cristina.

"I jogged to River and Mark's and then stole their keys and drove here with River?" Cristina said, getting under the covers between Meredith and River.

"We don't jog," River said.

"You don't jog," Meredith added as Cristina laid back and didn't say anything.

River and Meredith stare at Cristina, "Cristina—," Meredith starts, only to be interrupted.

"What if Derek or Mark robbed a bank?" Cristina asked.

"What?" Meredith asked.

"Say Derek or Mark was robbing a bank, and while he was in there, you were waiting outside because it was your job to drive the getaway car," Cristina explained.

"Why would Derek rob a bank?" Meredith questioned.

"Mark wouldn't risk hurting his pretty face for a dumb decision, but I'm going with it, continue," River said.

"Thank you," Cristina said to River, then looked at Meredith, "Just go with me, please."

"Okay, Derek and Mark are robbing a bank," Meredith says.

"And they get caught," Cristina continues, "but no one knows you were involved, 'cause you were driving the car."

"Okay Derek and Mark in jail, Meredith and I are in the mystery getaway cars," River continues, "What's the question?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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