Who's Zoomin Who?

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River POV

I woke up the next morning, happy that last night went great. I got dressed and came out of my room to find Izzie trying to get into the bathroom, "George. You locked the door. I need to take a shower," she said.

"Uh, uh, I'll be out in a minute," we heard.

"What are you doing in there?" Izzie gets the door open when George said, "It's private!" when actually it was literally private, I saw things I didn't want to see. "Oh, Oh, God. I'm sorry. I get it. I didn't mean to interrupt," Izzie said.

"No, it's not like that!"

"It's okay. Take your time,"

"I am not doing what you think I'm doing," George argued.

"You know what, there's really no need to explain, I'll wait. You just...finish." Izzie said while reading a nearby magazine.

"No, I'm...I'm coming. I'm coming out," George said. Izzie smacked my arm when I started laughing, as my dirty mind decided to make its appearance.

When George came out and found us with amused looks, Izzie said, "There's no need to be ashamed. It's normal. Healthy, even," she argued.

"Well I'm not ashamed cause I wasn't doing anything. I don't have to. I have a girlfriend," George defended himself.

"An imaginary girlfriend?" Okay Izzie that was a bit mean, don't be mean to Bambi.

"An actual girlfriend," George countered.

"You know what? It's no big deal. You don't have to lie. I get it. You have needs," Izzie said. "Even with a girlfriend," I added.

Meredith opened the door behind us, "What is going on out here?"

"Nothing," George said quickly.

Izzie was going to say something but said, "Nothing," after looking at George. "He was playing with his bait and tackle and we caught him," came from me.

"I have a girlfriend," he repeated as his only defense.

"Doesn't mean you can't play with yourself," I responded as if I was talking to a child. George walked down and slammed the door to his room. "This sounds like fun out here," Derek said, coming out of Meredith's room.

At the hospital, Meredith and I got pulled over by Derek to be his interns, he warned us it was important we didn't mention this, he had suspicion about the Chief. Meredith had been with Chief Webber as he was stitching up a colon and was finding it hard to see, "Is something up with his eyesight?" I had asked Derek. "I think so," was his response. Thankfully when he dropped something, he asked Bailey to take over and finish up, Meredith had given us both a look after we were both suspiciously watching the Chief. "I'm gonna go talk to him about it," Derek said and left.

I was sitting with Cristina when Izzie came up, "George got syph from Olivia," she said. "That explains this morning then," I said while Cristina was just surprised. A little bit later Alex and George came up, "Hey, syph-boy," Cristina and I both said.

"You told them?" George questioned Izzie.

"Just them,"

"'Syph-boy." It's got a nice ring to it, it's kinda like Superboy, only diseased," Alex said.

"Izzie didn't have to say a word. Around here, the only thing that spreads faster than disease is gossip," Cristina said. "Yeah we originally heard in the elevator," I added.

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