Make Me Lose Control

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River POV

George and I were staring in shock as Izzie and Alex were laughing and getting along with each other. Cristina had walked up to George and me and looked at the scene too, "What is she doing?" she questioned.

"She's hanging out with Alex," George replied, unsure about his answer.

"She's laughing with Alex," I added in the same tone.


"I dunno. I think... I think they might be friends," George muttered out.

"Or fuck buddies, but who knows," I added. Apparently the answer startled the two as Cristina quickly hid a snort and George blushed and I swear I saw a bit of jealousy. Apparently likes blondes.

"You guys are wrong about him, all right? Once you get to know him, he's really sweet," Izzie gushed. "He's Alex," was all George said. "Punk ass," came from Cristina.

"Hey Grey. Izzie was telling you have tapes of your mom performing surgery. I'd kill to see Ellis Grey in action," Alex called loudly. I'm really glad he does not know who my father is.

"Hey you know what? Maybe you can come over tonight and we can all watch it together? Right?" Izzie called back much to our horror. We all stared at her in disbelief.

"Oh yeah, if this were a hell dimension," Meredith replied.

"Yeah, run away pig boy," came from Cristina. George flat out asked Izzie if she had a thing for Alex, when she denied it we all did not believe it. "Are we saving lives or having a tea party? Walk faster people," we heard Bailey speak.

We were doing rounds and just left a girl named Kelly who had erythrophobia hyperpyrexia that caused her to blush a lot and Alex being an ass, like usual, we head to the next room listening to Izzie and Alex argue until we hear, "Watch it! Hands off me! I could report you to the chief and you'd be out on your ass," Meredith had frozen and stared in shock. I slowed down to her side, "Is that...?" she nodded and I stayed with her near the door. "AMATEURS!" Ellis screamed again.

Cristina looked at Meredith, not wanting to reveal what she just learned as she just found out why Meredith is so dismissive when her mother comes up in a conversation, "Alzheimer's," Cristina revealed.

"Patient's name?"


"Yang! Patient's name!"

Before Cristina could reply, Ellis had spotted Meredith, "What the hell are you doing here?" Meredith ran and hid as Ellis got even madder, "Haven't I told you? How many times have I told you not to bother me when I'm at work?!"

"Dr. Grey! We do not allow yelling like that in this hospital! It scares the patients!" I yelled. Ellis immediately stopped yelling and looked at me wide eyed.

"This is Ellis Grey, Meredith's mother," Cristina said quickly. Ellis was about to open her mouth again before I gave her a look and she closed it again.

After checking on Meredith, we were given out assignments on, "George take care of Dr. Grey," Bailey said. George made a fool of himself, hugging Bailey and claiming she needs someone with her. "What?" Bailey spoke.

"Oh you mean Ellis the..." Bailey walked out as she announced, "Blackburn, you know what to do with her you go with him," she went into the locker room as George finally finished his sentence, "...mother"

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