Staring at the Sun

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Mark and River stomped down the stairs with an equally grumpy Rosie in River's arms and looked down at Izzie who had the TV blasting, "You do realize we have a child?" Mark said rudely. Izzie froze before turning off the TV. "Too late now," River snarks before heading to coffee.

"At least grumpy little Rosie is going to Cora's problem, aren't you?" Mark said in a baby voice towards his daughter who grumbled and hid her head in his neck. River walked back with two coffees and Izzie looked offended when one was given to Mark and not her. "I don't care if Derek and Meredith were canoodling, if you are spending the night here, quiet TV or your behind is out the door before you can yell your defense," River said and walked out with Rosie's baby bag.

"You're lucky I was holding Rosie, that would've been more curse words," Mark nonchalantly pointed out, "Coming?" he added and Izzie gathered her things.

In the locker room, George was obviously upset and Meredith came strolling in, "Today is the day people. Today is the day that dark and twisty Meredith disappears forever, and bright and shiny Meredith takes her place," she says and opens her locker.

"Sex must've been that good," Izzie said.

"She could get better with him, she's not limping," River said back before looking over George's paperwork with Cristina and pointing out things for him.

"Yeah, it could've been better, but, man, I was relaxed," Meredith said, spinning around, "Now how is George's dad?" she asked.

"Callie says he's fine," George said, turning around.

"He, uh, passed out. Hit the floor and fractured his clavicle," Izzie said.

"Yeah, but his clavicle's fine. Callie said it's gonna be fine," George said.

"But, George, it doesn't explain the abdominal pain he's having," River said calmly.

"How do you know about that?" George asked, "You had to go home cause of Rosie."

"She's a House and marrying the plastic surgeon and Callie is Rosie's godmother," Alex said like it was everyday information that River is the first to know about the gossip of the hospital.

"Are those his a.m. labs?" Meredith asked, looking over the papers as George hums a confirmation.

"He doesn't have peritoneal signs. That's good," Cristina pointed out.

"Has anybody seen..." Bailey trails off as George hands on his dad's charts.

"I was just looking at it," George says.

"Don't you think me reading it is more important that you reading it?" Bailey questioned as she took the charts and looked over it.

"Sure. Fine," George turns, "He's gonna be fine," he whispers in reassurance to himself.

Bailey had heard him and looked up, "You're on scut today. You'll be distracted," she said.

"No, I won't," George argued.

"Family members do not treat family members. Scut," Bailey argued back.

"What about when you let River into the emergency room after she gave birth?" George questioned.

"Then you would have to be without scrubs on. She just had a baby that was doing very well, the only thing Blackburn had to worry about was breast feeding in time. You're dad is in the hospital and you are worried. Scut," Bailey said in a finalizing tone.

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