Chapter 11: Cuddles!

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(Y/N)'s POV
Xander looked at me sadly and said "let's try to rest our mind....its almost dinner time anyways...I'll see you at the ballroom tomorrow at the same time...."he said and walked away dejectedly. I waved goodbye at him and he waved back. I walked into the kitchen and waited for the prince. After hearing the sound of a snap, I took the tray of food out to him. "Here you go, Master" I said and he asked me to sit down. "So...I heard that mum was assassinated during the meeting huh?" He asked. " was horrifying to say at least" I said and looked away. He patted my shoulder and fed me some of his meal. I widened my eyes and opened my mouth since I have no strength left to deny him.

"Im not feeling too hungry tonight so lets just share" he said and we continue sharing. After finishing, he bid me goodnight and walked to somewhere else. 'Strange...he always accompanies back to my room...oh well...time to go back' I thought and headed to my room. I changed my clothes and fall into the bed. I felt really tired so I fell asleep in less than a minute. Dreamworld, here I come!

Prince Alaric's POV
I walked to my dad's quarters and opened the door. 'Ive got a bad feeling about this' i thought. He then gestured me to sit down and have a little tea. "Son, as you know, your mother has passed away and this, ill be giving up the throne and present it to you. Which means, you have to find a wife by these 3 months" he said and I was shocked. "What?.." I said silently. "Your birthday ball will be the perfect opportunity to find the perfect wife for the kingdom" he said and I shooked in anger. "How could you just do that?! Im not gonna find a princess to marry by 3 months!" I screamed in anger.

"Young man, you will be taking over the throne and you have to find a wife who is above noble status. I don't care if you don't want to but you will have to. If you try to reject me again, you will face serious consequences" he said and I said nothing. "Now its time for us to sleep. You may leave now" he said and went to bed. I left and slamed the door loudly.

'Grr....I don't want to marry another person otger than my (Y/N). Why isnt he the one who was assassinated? Life would be so much better without him. Even mum hates him and she's the type of woman that practically love anyone and is caring. I miss mum...' I thought as I walked back to my room.

I changed into my pajamas and went to bed. 'At least mum is in peace now. When she's alive, dad would abuse her, cheat on her and etc' I thought and drifted off sadly.

(Y/N)'s POV
When the sun shone, I woke up and immediately bathe and changed. I walked out of my room sleepily and went to the kitchen. I waited in the kitchen for an hour and I still havent heard a single snap. Its already 8:30. 'Maybe I should go check on him..' I thought and started walking to his room.

"Master? Are you alright? Breakfast is Ready" I said and there was a moment of silence. He began unlocking the door and said "come in" in a tired voice. I went in and his room was a mess. "Oh master! I promise ill clean this mess by tonight" he said nothing and nodded. "I'm don't have any appetite today so I'm just going to lay down" he said. "Yes Master. What shall I do for now?" I asked. "Well come here" he said and I went closer to his bed. He then pulled me down by my wrist and he engulfed me in a bear hug.

He began cuddling me in a soft yet protective manner. "U-um master?" I said as I felt my face heating up. "Shh...just enjoy the cuddle. You can clean the ballroom later. Youre my special maid anyways so I you will follow what I say" he said and started patting my head. I could only nod and my face is getting redder slowly every second. 'Gah! This is so embarassing' i thought. After an hour, he lets me go. "I feel so much better now. You can go work now. I'll see you tonight" he said with a smile. "Yes Master" I said and went to the ballroom.

"(Y/N)!!! You're late!" xander said and I tried to think of an excuse because I cant say that I just slept with Prince Alaric. "Oh um...well the prince took a longer time to finish his breakfast today" i said and he pouted. "Fine...." He said and went back to work. "Hey um Xander? Do you think we can hangout when there's free time" I asked as I scrubbed the floor. "Sure (Y/N), we can hangout. I really missed the time when it was just us together" he said smilingly continued to work. After cleaning the floors, I went to the garden to water the flowers.

I picked up my watering can and filled it with water. "(Y/N)!!" Someone shouted and ran towards me but stumbled. "Flare! Are you alright?" I asked worriedly inspecting for any bruises. "O-oh yes I am. I heard that the queen was murdered." He said looking sad. "Yeah...but she's in a better place now where there's no cruelty" I said trying to cheer him up."its a shame though...she's one of the most kind and caring person I've met. She taught me how to ride a horse, everything about dogs and even gave me a home when I had nowhere else to go which is this castle" he said and started to cry.

"Flare! Don't cry...she'll always be looking after dont cry im sure she'll be sad to see you cry" I said while wiping away his tears. "Thanks (Y/N)..youre the second kind person I've met... I-i have to go walk the dog now but pinky promise me we'll talk again tomorrow" he said and held out his pinky. "I promise" I smiled. He then happily went down the road while the dog sniffed everywhere.

Timeskip after dinner~
"(Y/N)..come with me to my room" Prince Alaric said and I followed him. "Put on these pajamas and come back here" he instructed me. I went to the bathroom to change and it fits like a glove. I returned and he smiled while I thought 'how the heck did he got my size right again? And why does he have a women's pajamas in his room?'. He began to change his clothes and i looked away in embarrassment. "(Y/N)..." He said and kabedon me to the wall while he is shirtless. I took one look at his body and he was hot. No wonder he looks so good in any clothes.

Kabedon=(Something like this)

Kabedon=(Something like this)

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'AHH!!!' I mentally screamed. "W-what are you doing?" I asked in panic. "Youre so cute when youre scared" he laughed.  He grabbed my chin and made me look up to him. His started to come closer and nearly kissed me! I froze in spot and he carried me to his bed. He switched off the lights and began to sing a lullaby so I could fall asleep easier. "Goodnight (Y/N)" he said and cuddled me. "G-goodnight master" I said and placed my head onto his chest. I began blushing when he started patting my head again but surprisingly it made me calm down. I started falling asleep and he drifted off as well. Well, we spent an entire night cuddling and sleeping. 'This is so awkward but strangely feels warm and nice' i thought and continued to sleep.

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