Chapter 29: The Wedding Day

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(Y/N)'s POV
When the sun began to shine through the window, I woke up for the big day. Xander was cuddling me fondly and snuggling up my neck. "X-xander! Wake up! We have to get ready for the Princess Evangel's wedding!" I shook his body "huh? What...(Y/N)?" He mumbled.

"The wedding is today!" I reminded him and he looked at me in horror. "We have to get ready for everything!" Xander panicked and I tried to calm him down. "Hey, I'll see you later...I need to go back to my room to wash up" I said and he nodded.

After bidding him goodbye, I quickly went back to the castle and reached my room. When I entered, Prince Alaric was sitting on my bed. "(Y/N)...where have you been?" He darkly said and I trembled under his intense gaze. "W-well....I fell asleep with Xander yesterday while looking at some photobooks..." I explained. "You slept with another guy...?" He questioned and I nodded while backing away from him slightly.

Prince Alaric's POV
'She slept with that Xander.....I'll have to end him if he comes near (Y/N) again' I thought and saw her backing away from me. "What's wrong, kitten? Are you scared?" I chuckled as I walked towards her trembling figure.
'I'll have to leave with her later...when the snowstorm comes tonight...' I thought and asked her "have you unpacked your backpack?".

Back to (Y/N)'s POV
"Have you unpacked your backpack?" prince Alaric asked and I shook my head in confusion. "No...why?" I asked and he smiled. "Don't worry...what do you have in your backpack?" He continued to question. "Well...I have my maid outfits, pajamas, toiletries and 10 devil fruits.." I said and he mumbled "good...good..". "Is everything alright?" I asked and he shake his head.

"(Y/N), wait for me here. Don't go to the wedding unless you want Princess Evangel to see you" he warned and realization hit me. "Oh...right..." I sadly said and kissed my forehead. "Don't worry...just stay in your room like a good girl and I'll come by here later" he said and I smiled. "Alright...I'll wait for you I guess.." I said and he smiled. "I guess I should get ready now.." He said and left.

After a few moments, a knock came upon my door and I opened it. "Xander?" I asked and he giggled. "Hey (Y/N)..what are you gonna wear to the Princess Evangel and Prince Alaric's wedding today?" He asked as he sat on my bed. "Oh...I cant go..." I sadly mumbled and he looked at me in shock.

"Why?!" He said and I started to tell him the whole story. "So if Princess Evangel see you...she'll kill you?" Xander asked after I explained everything. "Yes..." I said and he pouted. "Its alright...I must attend since I'm one of the server I'll see you tonight" he said and I nodded. "Well...I'll take my leave now. I have to add some final touches to the ball...take care (Y/N)" he said before leaving sadly.

Prince Alaric's POV
I went back to my room and packed my backpack. 'I need to put essential items in I'll need clothes, devil fruits since they don't rot and keep you full for a day, toiletries, bottled water, a tent and money' I thought and packed them. "Alright...time to double check the list" I said.

"I've packed 5 pairs of clothes...10 devil fruits...some toiletries, 5 bottled water, a small tent and 100,000 gold coins" I said and sighed. 'Luckily my backpack is large enough to fit all the items' i thought and wiped my sweat. 'Time to wait for the evening to put my plan into action' I smirked and ate one of the extra devil fruits. 'Oh I still have 5 left...might as well pack I since there's space' I thought and packed the extras.

Xander's POV
I sat in the servants area and waited for the arrival of Princess Evangel and Prince Alaric. 'If only (Y/N) was here...'  I thought sadly.

Author's POV
Princess Evangel showed up behind the stage wearing a beautiful gown. "King Marcus....where is Prince Alaric?" She asked worriedly and he sighed. "I'm sure he'll be here soon..." He tried to reassure her. 'Where on earth is that boy? Why is he late?' King Marcus thought angrily.

(Y/N)'s POV
I waited in my room while being bored. I opened my door when a knock came. "Prince Alaric? Aren't you supposed to be at the wedding?" I asked while tilting my head in confusion. "forget that...everything has been canceled...Princess Evangel noticed your presence and my father has teamed up with her to kill you.." He lied but I didnt knew.

"W-what?" I stuttered not knowing what to say. "Grab your backpack. We have to leave before they kill you" he stated and I hurriedly grabbed my backpack. "Wait! I have to tell Xander!" I cried but he shook his head. "Its too risky.." He said and grabbed my hand. "We have to go now!" He said and pulled me away.

We arrived at the backdoor of the castle and quickly exited. We ran and ran despite the snowstorm.

Xander's POV
I began to look for (Y/N) since I got bored after waiting for so long. As I walked through the hallways, I saw (Y/N) running away and I tried to chase her. She ran out the backdoor with a person. I quickly opened the door and realized they had fled to the icy mountains and left no footprints since the snowstorm was so heavy.

 I quickly opened the door and realized they had fled to the icy mountains and left no footprints since the snowstorm was so heavy

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Author's POV
As they ran away to the mountains, king Marcus was pacing back and forth. The guards suddenly came to him and said "Your Majesty, Prince Alaric is missing". King Marcus looked shocked and questioned angrily "what?! Have you checked everywhere?". "Yes, even the dungeons" they said and he pondered for a while before saying "Find him immediately. He can't be too far away from the castle" he ordered and they nodded.

"Prince Alaric is missing?" princess Evangel questioned and King Marcus nodded sadly. "Don't men will find him soon" he reassured her while she looked at him in disbelief.

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