Chapter 25: The Savior

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(Y/N)'s POV
I started to wake up after feeling energy rush through my body. I looked up at my savior and it was Prince Alaric. I recognized him even though my vision is extremely blurry. He suddenly hugged me tightly while crying. I felt myself smile and quickly hugged back. "What happened to you?!" He asked while sobbing. "Well...Princess Evangel locked me up in this dungeon so she could let me starve to death" I said while patting his back.

"I see....well then (Y/N), we should never let her know that I've freed you. So until the day we depart, can you please stay here?" He asked while looking at me with his teary eyes. "Um...sure I guess" I said doubtfully. "Don't worry, the fruit I gave you can last in your stomach for a day. We'll be departing tomorrow. I'll think of a plan to hide you from Princess Evangel" he said and kissed my forehead. I didn't blush since I was used to it by now but I was taken aback.

"Alright then, (Y/N). Ill leave you be. She might get suspicious if I'm not in her presence for too long. Be careful alright, (Y/N)? Just stay in here and don't wander around to the other doors. Danger lurks behind those doors...." He said and hugged me one last time before leaving. "Alright then. Goodbye, Master! Ill see you soon!" I waved and he smiled at me. I looked around and I walked around not going too far. 'Maybe I should just stay in my spot and do nothing just like Prince Alaric asked me to' I thought and sat down in the dark corner of the dungeon.

Prince Alaric's POV
'I need a plan' i thought as i walked out of the passageway. I walked to my quarter and sat on the soft bed. 'The trip back to Kingdom Of Averylton takes more than a day to reach with carriages. We'll need to stop at an inn to rest for the night before we could continue our journey. I'll have to hide (Y/N) in another room or just I'm the back of the carriage...when we arrive back at the castle, (Y/N) can just stay out of Princess Evangel's way' i thought as I drew out my plan. 'This will do in the meantime' I thought and folded the paper into a small scrap.

"Prince Alaric! Are you here?" Princess Evangel asked as she knocked on the door. "Yes I'm here" I said and let her in. 'I need to charm her in the meantime so she won't get too suspicious of me before things are ruined' I thought as I smiled at her. "Well, dinner's ready if you want" she said and I shooked my head. "I'm sorry. But I'm not too hungry today. I just feel like sleeping right now since we are departing early tomorrow. The journey to Averylton is quite long, you see" I said and she nodded.

"Well, I won't eat either then. I can't wait for our marriage! Well, can we sleep together today?" She asked excitedly and I sighed. "Sure...I guess" I said and went to bed. She began to climb in after me and hugged my torso as if I'm a body pillow. 'I wish this was (Y/N)...' I thought sadly. She began to snore in her sleep and I covered my ears frantically to block off the noises.

Next morning~

Still Prince Alaric's POV
I began to woke up as the sun shone through the window. The sun created a dim light in the dark room. I sat up and looked at Princess Evangel's sleeping form. She began to sweat a little and stirred. 'Whatever...' I thought and went to the bathroom. I began to shower and the door suddenly opened. In came a sleepy Princess Evangel as she washed her face. 'Shit I forgot to lock it' i thought.

"Sorry but this bathroom's occupied" I said and she tried to catch a glimpse of me. "O-oh i didn't know! Im so sorry" she said while blushing and hurriedly ran out. I ignored everything that just happened and continue showering. After im done, I brushed my teeth and put on my casual clothes. It was a white button up shirt with black tights. 'Geez...i wonder how (Y/N) will react seeing me like this...she'll probably become a tomato again' i laughed at my thoughts.

After we ate breakfast, Princess Evangel clinged onto me and hardly let go. "Sorry but please excuse me for a moment. I left something back at my room" I said and she let go sadly. "Fine...but hurry back! We're departing soon" she said and I just nodded. As I went back to my room, I snapped my fingers and Robert came immediately.

"I can't reach (Y/N) now. Open the secret passage by pressing the button on the largest painting in.the hallway. Then, go through the rusty metal door and you'll see her. Then, bring her to the other carriage and let her be noticed by Princess Evangel" I said strictly and he replied "yes your highness. I shall retrieve (Y/N) immediately".

We both nodded to each other and went back to the arrogant Princess Evangel. She saw me and clinged on me again. "Together, we'll be the richest and most stunning couple in the world. Since I'm so beautiful and you're so handsome, we'll be able to have the most beautiful child in the whole world" she said while I nearly retched. 'Just the thought of having s*x with her disgust me to the greatest' I thought secretly.

(Y/N)'s POV
I moped in the corner while looking at the dim sunshine. Suddenly, i hear footsteps approaching and I froze in fear. 'That's not Prince Alaric's footsteps. It's someone else's" I thought fearfully. Adrenaline began to rush through my veins as the footsteps approached me even more. I hid my head in my knees and felt a light touch. I looked up and realized it was Robert, Prince Alaric's butler.

"Prince Alaric instructed me to bring you to the servant's carriage as we journey back to the Kingdom of Averylton" he said emotionlessly as he held out a hand. I took it and he started to lead me out of the dark dungeon. When I finally saw light, I skipped around happily.

(A/N: sorry if this chapter's bad. I also couldn't find a picture to fit in this im really sorry if you dont like this chapter...)

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