One Night Stand (Herophine) - part 5

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"But I want you, Josephine!"

"You lost everything last night, Hero. I'm sorry."


He can't continue because our elevator stops and I get out. I put on a smile face, trying to make everyone to think that I'm fine. Hero comes after me and he sits next to me. I'm not fine with him so close to me. After we eat, we talk about some rehearsal for some scene, like some fights, sex scenes and sad scenes. Great! We are starting tomorrow and today we are having some clothes fit and details like this. After we eat, we go to the studio for the clothes fit. In a lucky moment, I am just with Anna and Castille in my trailer.

"Anna? Castille? I want to tell you something."

"Everything is fine, Jo?" Anna asks me worried. No, nothing is fine.

"Uhm... I don't know how to tell you this."

"I don't think you have to worry about telling us something, Josephine. We're family."

"I... I know. But what just happened took me by surprise. And I have no idea how to tell you."


"I'm pregnant."


"How many weeks?"

"Six or seven."

"And... Who is the father?"

"Don't freak out like he did, please. I'm scared and I don't know what to do."

"We won't, Josephine."

"Hero is the father of my baby. This happened last month, when I had a project in London. We worked together, we had some drinks and we ended up in my hotel room." They are both shocked of what I said. "It was just an affair and it happened. I'm scared! I don't know what to do!" I say and I sit on the couch. I try to not cry, but I can't. "It was a big mistake and I know I was stupid when I did this... But it hurts when I know that he is so cold and he said I am guilty for this and I can't do this alone!" I start to cry and Anna hugs me.

"It's ok, it's normal to be scared. I also was in you place a few years ago, but we were planning that baby. But I'm sure Hero was scared too."

"Have you talked with him?"

"Yeah. But he run away like a coward. And then he called me, drunk, I was there to save him and he said the worst words I could hear."

"And everything is fine with your pregnancy?"

"I don't know. I found out yesterday. I should find a doctor."

"As I worked here in the past, I have some friends who will help us to find a good doctor, ok?"

"Yeah... Thank you."

"So, I suppose I should call the designer here."

"Yeah... I don't feel like facing him right now."

"Ok, good. We can do this separately. It's fine. I will be back soon." Castille leaves and now it's just me and Anna.

"He is going to be fine. He is just playing Hardin in real life." She says while I lay down on the couch.

"But I'm not Tessa and he is not Hardin and there aren't any feelings. At least not from the both sides." I just said that?

"Jo..." She can't continue because someone is knocking at the door of my trailer. "I'm going to see who it is."

"Where is Jo?" I hear his voice and I want to cry.

"I'm sorry Hero, but she's not fine and she doesn't want to talk with you."

"So, you know..." He sighs.

"It's not a good moment to talk about this. Just go in your trailer and wait until we came with the designer. Please, leave her alone. She doesn't need to be stressed."

"But I want to clarify everything, Anna."

"Not now, ok?"


"Hero, I understand both of you and you need some time to think about it. So, please, leave. We are going to solve everything, ok?"


"Please, Hero..."

"Ok, fine."

"Thank you." She closes the door. "He left."

"Thank you, Anna."

"No problem."

I feel sick again, so I stand up and I go to the bathroom to throw up. When I'm done, I quickly brush my teeth because my breath is awful and I go back to Anna, but she's not alone anymore. There is the designer and her teams with a lot of clothes.

"Drink this, it will help with your nausea." She says in a silence while she gives me a glass of water lemon.


I drink my water and we start to work. I try on a lot of outfits. After more than three hours, we are done.

"Anna, it's fine if I'm not coming to dinner?" I ask her while I take my bag.

"It's fine, Jo. Don't worry about this. You want to delay the rehearsal tomorrow?"

"No, no, no. It's fine. I can do this. That's called acting, right?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. You don't have to treat me different."

"Josephine, tomorrow I will give you some suggestions of doctors, ok?"

"Yes, thank you Castille."

"No problem."

I hug them and I leave back to the hotel. I arrive in my room, I take off all my clothes and I get in the bathroom to take a hot shower. I need this. When I'm done, I get dressed with something comfy and I call my family. After more than one hour, I finish talking with them and I start to read and to memorize some lines. When I get bored, it's already dinner time. I look on the menu and I order a salad and some fruits.

While I was eating, I was looking on my phone and I saw a lot of pregnant ladies and I started to imagine me with a baby bump, then with a baby. If I stay and think about this, I want this baby and I can't wait to see what's happening there. I rub my stomach and I think about Hero. I should let him explain? I don't know. I will think about this another time. For now, I have to know that the baby is fine and he or she is safe there. 

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