One Night Stand (Herophine) - part 10

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A few weeks later...

"Hero? Do you think I'm fat?" I say while I look in the mirror.

"What?" He stands up from the bed and he comes behind me. "What are you talking abou, Jo?"

"I have fat on my legs." I look at my legs.

"Oh... Now, you are becoming Tessa."

"No, I'm not. I gain fat because you feed me like a pig."

"You are kidding. You are beautiful. You don't even look pregnant, Josephine."

"You don't see all this fat!"

"Stop." He unbuckles my robe and he takes it off, and now I'm just with my lingerie. "Look at this beautiful curves." He moves his hand from my arm to my hip. "You are perfect, Jo. Why? Because you are natural and you are keeping a life inside you. And look how good you look when you are pregnant in 11 weeks."

"Wait... What if is something wrong? Why I have a small bump? It's almost inexistent!"

"Woah, easy! Everything is fine, Jo. Your doctor said that the tests are fine. So, we don't have to worry about this." He put his hand on my stomach and he let it down. "I can cheer you up, love?"

"I don't think we have time. We have to leave for filming."

"Then just listen to me, you are beautiful, Jo. You are not fat."

"Thank you. You are the sweetest man I know in this whole world." I turn to him and I kiss him. "You know? I'm asking why we didn't try this earlier... Because I really like you."

"I don't know." He laughs. "Let's get ready."

"We have just another four weeks and then it's over."

"Yeah, but we are not over, Jo. Our story starts after this."

"I can't imagine how we will do a promo tour for "After We Fell". I will be very pregnant when the movie will come out."

"There are some gossips that the movie will be released in September, next year. And our baby will be here."

"Ugh, we have to talk about where are we staying."

"You want to move in with me?"

"Well, that means to raise a kid together, right?"

"Yeah. London, LA?"

"I don't know. It will be hard to choose."

"But we can talk about this later."

"Yeah... Now we are together."

"Thank you for being here." I kiss him.


We get dressed and we go to meet the team for filming. No one knows about my pregnancy, except Castille and Anna. We filmed the sex scenes at the beginning because there were scenes with me in lingerie. The funny part is that in a scene, I said Hero's name, not Hardin's and everyone started to laugh. And we also filmed some sad scenes, the one when Tessa finds Richard dead in the bathroom, and the one where Tessa find out that she can't have kids. It was not nice, and after that day I cried. Hormones... Hero laughed at me and I was mad at him in that day. But this is the life with a pregnant woman.

After a long day of work, after ten hours, we finally finished filming for this week and we have a free weekend.

"I'm so tired!" I say while we go to my room.

"I'm going to my room, I will take a shower and then I'm coming to your room."

"Oh... I thought we could take a bath together."

"You know how to make me to come to you." He laughs and we enter in my room.

"I'm going to prepare the bath tub."

"Good. Do you want something to eat?"

"No, I ate a lot at the studio."

"Ok then." He kisses me and I go to the bathroom. I turn on the hot water, then I go back to Hero. "You are feeling better?"

"Yes. It's so nice to not be nausea all day."

"You will be a beautiful mother."

"Thank you." I smile and I kiss him. "Next week we're going to film some cute scenes."

"Yes, we will." He smiles to me. "Both scenes when Tessa finds out that she's pregnant and some scenes from Landon's wedding."

"Yeah... But we also have to film the part with the miscarriage..."

"Yeah... More tears for me." I drag him to the bathroom and I take off his blouse.

"Someone is excited?"

"I have to say that it's because of my hormones."

"Yeah, your hormones are crazy."

"And you like it, especially when we film sex scenes on studio." I smirk and i take off his jeans and boxer shorts.

"Don't remember me about it, Jo." He takes off my dress.

"Why not? We had fun in bathroom after that scene."

"Yes we did." He removes my panties and he knees in front of me, and he kisses my belly. He is the cutest when he does this. "Hi baby, it's daddy here. I can't wait to meet you."

"You are cute." I runs my fingers through his messy hair.

"I know." He stands up and we get in the bath tub.

"We have to give an interview tomorrow."

"For "After We Collided"?"


"We should announce our relationship? There are rumours that we are together."

"No. Not yet. We're good in this way. Maybe when we will know what to do after we finish the films."

"And the baby?"

"Well, let's not announce the pregnancy right now. I don't want to be on every social media. And I'm still thinking if we are going to tell everyone about us... I don't like to be in the spotlight and you know this."

"Yeah, I know." He kisses my shoulder. "I was thinking about something..."

"Ok, I'm listening."

"What if I'm moving to LA?"

"What?" I turn back to him.

"I want to move to LA."

"When did you came with this?"

"It just came in my mind. I want to be next to you, Josephine. And I'm sure I will find a job in LA."

"But you want to le everything behind? I thought you never would want to leave London."

"Well, before you weren't in my life. Not in this way... And now, I want to spent every minute with you and our baby."

"It's too soon to say "I love you"?" I straddle him and I stick my forehead of his. "Because this is what I feel for you. Love."

"No." He kisses me. "I love you."


So, here it is the last part of this one shot. I hope you liked it and I promise to come with more one shots. Thank you for all your comments and votes at this one ❤️

Maybe some day I will transform this one shot into a story.

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