Years and Years (Hessa) - part 3

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"You must be Tessa Young, am I right?"

"Yes, I am." I say slowly.

"Ok, you were involved in a car crash, but luckily, you are alive. A small contusion and some scratches are fine, darling. But the most important thing is that the baby is fine. We took an ultrasound to see if there is fluid in your abdomen and we discovered the baby. I am just a general doctor, but I can recommend you an OB and you can see all the details, ok?"

"And everything is fine?"

"Yes. We will keep you under observation tonight and if everything is good, you can leave in the morning."

"Ok, thank you."

"Do you want to call someone? Maybe a friend, fiancée, boyfriend, husband, family?"

"Uhm, sure."

"I will send a nurse with your things, ok?"

"Yes. And doctor..." I look on her badge. "Dr. Grey, can you give me the contact of an OB, please?"

"Yes. I will send doctor Wilson here to check you, ok?"


Doctor Grey leaves and I'm alone. Not alone. I have a baby inside my belly and I don't know what to do. How I'm going to tell this to Robert? And how I'm going to tell Hardin? Fuck! Why my life became so impossible in just a few hours?

A nurse comes in my room and she gives me my phone. Now, what I'm going to do. Who I am going to call?

My parents? No. Mom will freak out and I don't want her to be scared for my life. So, no. Robert? Ugh... How I'm going to give him the news about the baby in my belly? I can't tell him this And he is not even in town, so I will wait. Vic is out of town, but I have to call someone. I can't call Hardin. He is back to London and I can't just come with this. But, Jessica it's my only chance. She is the only one who can understand me, so I will try.

I take my phone and I dial her number. She picks up in less than five seconds.

Phone call

"Hi, Tessa!"

"Uhm, hi!"

"How are you, girl?"

"I would love to say fine, but... I had a car crash today and..." I can't do this.

"What?! Are you ok, Tessa?!"

"Yeah... But I need you here, Jess." I say and I start to cry.

"I'm coming, friend."

I end the call and I try to calm down, but it's too much for a single day. I had a car crash, I'm in a hospital and I'm pregnant with another man... What I'm going to do now?

A blonde doctor comes inside my room and I quickly wipe my tears.

"Hi! I am doctor Wilson and I was announced to come here to check on you. Are you ok?"

"It's too much..."

"Do you want to get an abortion?"

"No, no, no. Abortion is not an option for me."

"Ok, that's good. I'm going to do a transvaginal ultrasound, as your pregnancy is still little, I can have a better look through this."

"I understand."

"Good. In a few minutes, a nurse will come and she will bring you to the ultrasound room, ok?"


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