The Billionaire's Proposal (Hessa) - part 1

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With love, there are no rules. We may try to control our emotions and develop strategies for our behavior, but this is all folly. The heart decides what it decides is all that really matters. – Paulo Coelho

"Trevor, I think it's already time to get up." I say while I play with his hair.

"No, no. I think we should lay in bed all day. You like me when I'm home."

"Yes..." I smile. "I can't believe you had a day off and you mine today."

"Yeah... Working in a bank is really busy. But this is what I like, right?"

"Yes." I kiss his cheek.

"You are so beautiful in the morning..."

"With these dark circles under my eyes and messy hair?"

"You are exaggerating. You don't have dark circles." He drags me closer to him. "You are perfect."

"Thank you." I kiss him.

"Take the chance and use me today." He kisses me again. I always knew I have this effect on him. We kiss like crazy, but we are interrupted by the sound of my phone. "Don't answer." He whispers.

"Maybe it's important." I get up and I take my phone. "It's Kim."

"Your agent from the gallery?"


"I thought you have a week off. What happened?"

"I have no idea. Let me take this call." I go to the living room and I answer.

Phone call

"Tessa, hi!"

"Kim, hello. Everything is fine?"

"Yes. No. You have to come to the gallery."

"What? I have a week off, Kim!"

"I'm sorry. A buyer showed up and he wants to buy one of your paintings."

"And you can't just sell my paintings?"

"No. He wants to meet you. Personally. You can't miss this, Tessa..."


"Hurry up. You can't lose this chance. Bye!"

Kim hung up and I stood frozen to the spot. Someone wants to buy my paintings... I can't miss this chance. And I'm not going to miss it. I barge in the bedroom and I collect my clothes. Poor Trevor looking at me.

"Uhm? Are you going somewhere?"

"I'm so sorry... I have to go to the gallery, Trevor. It's something urgent." I take off my night dress and I put on a summer dress.

"You're kidding? You leave me?"

"You are the one complaining right now? I waited you every night, but you were coming home late. And you were too tired for me."

"What this means, Tessa?"

"I think you know very well what this means, Trevor. I always supported you, but now it's your turn to do this. You don't have any right to be mad, ok?"

"I'm not mad. I will be fine."

"You will be fine?" He stays silent while he takes his phone, starting to write something on it.

I want to go closer to him, but he pushes me back, being sure I don't see anything on his phone. That's strange. I leave him alone in our bedroom, I enter in my office to take my portfolio and I leave to the gallery. The New York is busy today and I'm sure I will be late. I'm two streets away from the gallery and I'm sure I will arrive faster if I walk. I pay the driver and I get out of the car. I start to walk faster and I hear my phone. Shit. It's Kim.

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