How much? (Herophine) - part 2

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"How much you want to make me a child?"

"Excuse me?" I don't think I heard well the question. What joke is this? "Can you repeat the question?"

"How much do you want for a baby?"

"Jesus! You are insane, man!" I stand up and I try to not yell at this stupid man.

"Josephine... Sit down, please."

"I don't want to sit down. I don't want to stay with a man like you. I don't want to see you ever again! You are crazy, Hero! You need to see a therapist before to ask someone something like this!" I let some money on the table and I leave.

This man is crazy and I don't want him around me. How he dares to ask me something like this? He is a strange and I would never do this. I would never want to be just a surrogate! I hurry up to catch a cab before he catches me. I hear him calling my name exactly when I find a car. I get in and I close the door while I tell the driver my address. I look behind and I see him running after the car. But it's too late. Because of him, I will end the therapy with Mercy. I don't want to have any connection with him. I'm sorry for Mercy, but I can't do this.

As soon as I got home, I went to the bathroom to take a cold shower. How the fuck a stranger can ask me something like this? He seemed to be a nice guy, interested just in something for a few days, an affair. But he wants me to make him a child? No way! A baby is made from love, not something random. In addition, he can find someone else for this.

After I showered, I took my phone and I called Mercy. I don't want to let her, but I'm forced by circumstances.

Phone call

"Josephine, hi. I have an appointment today? I don't remember on changing our usual program."

"Hi, Mercy. No, no. We don't. I called you for something else."

"Ok... what's wrong?"

"Something came up and I can't be your therapist anymore. I'm really sorry. In addition, you are better, and I don't think you need a therapist anymore."

"But... why?" He voices is shaky. Oh, shit. "I can't do this, Jo... I can't just end my therapy. I don't feel ready..."

"Oh, sweet girl... You are ready for this. I'm sure you will be better without my advice. You are a very smart girl and I'm sure you will be ok without therapy."

"I don't know..."

"Trust me. I know you very well and I know you are able to be on your own. Just trust yourself more and you will see that everything is fine."

"You think everything will be normal?"

"Of course. Trust yourself. And be more careful with you, give you more attention and you will see that everything is better."

"Thank you for you help, Josephine."

"This is my job, darling. It was nice to have you as my patient."

"Can we keep in touch?"

"I don't know, Mercy..."

"Ok, I understand. Don't worry."

"Don't get me wrong, ok? You can call me anytime you need an advice."

"Ok... Thank you, Josephine."

"It was a pleasure. Good luck in your career, Mercy."

"Thank you."

I end the call and I open the group chat with my friend. I have to tell them what happened. I give them a simple message "SOS" and in less than 30 minutes they are at my door.

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