One Night Stand (Herophine) - part 7

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After a long day of work, with a lot of short breaks because of my sickness, we are finally done with the rehearsing and we can finally can go back to our rooms. I decide to order something to eat, but I'm sure I will throw up again. Castille gave some contacts from some doctors and tomorrow I will call for an appointment.

I take off all my clothes and I take on me just a bath fluffy robe. I don't feel like I want wear any clothes and this robe covers everything.

I turn on music and I wait for my dinner. I'm thinking about how I'm going to give the news to everyone. Oh, shit. What everyone will think about me? Oh, God. Everything is so complicated... Why?

I hear a knock at my door and I go to open. I expect my dinner, but there is Hero with my dinner

"I want to talk with you. Please..."

"Ok, fine. Come in." I move back and he comes in the room. I close the door and we go to the table. He let my dinner there.


"And you said you are not Hardin." I roll my eyes.

"Can you stop comparing me with him, please?"

"If you came here to fight with me, you can leave.'

"You started this."

"Ok, fine." I start to eat. "Why did you come?"

"I want to talk with you about what's happening in our life right now."

"Ok. But I want to eat first."


"How's your cheek? I think I slapped you too hard."

"I'm fine. Hardin and me deserved this." We laugh.

"How are you feeling? You were sick after?"

"Nope. I mean not yet. I don't have nausea at night. But the last mornings where horrible."

"I'm sorry."

"We are both guilty for what happened. But we can't change the past, right?"

"Yeah... I want this baby with you, Jo."

"What do you mean?"

"I want to raise this baby together."

"Wait, what?" I stop eating and I look at him. "Are you being serious?"

"Of course, I am. I want to be a part of your life, Josephine."

"And how you think we can do this together, Hero?"

"We are going to find a way."

"If you say..."

"We have to work together, Jo. We have to film two movies and we have to give some interviews."

"I know. And we will do this. I'm not in a mood for a talk right now. This pregnancy is so hard for me and I'm tired."

"Ok, then..."

"Thanks for brining my dinner."

"No problem. Do you want to go together at breakfast tomorrow?"

"I think I will eat in my room, I don't want to give a lot of signs for a pregnancy to everyone."

"Then can I come here?"

"Yes, sure..."

"Good. See you in the morning." He kisses my forehead. "Call me if you need anything."

"Thank you, Hero."

"See you tomorrow. Have a good sleep!" He leaves.

Oh, shit. Why I have to feel like this when he is next to me? Why I have to fall in love with my co-star? Why from a one night stand, a mistake, I started to like him? He feels the same? He wants me? He is saying the truth when he says that he wants to raise this kid together? A lot of questions without an answer. That's my complicated life...

I wake up because of my morning sickness. I sit in the front on the toilet for more than 20 minutes, when I feel better. I'm kidding? I don't feel good. I get up when I hear a knock at my door. This should be Hero with our breakfast, but I don't feel eat anything. I put on my robe because I'm in just my lingerie and I go to open the door.

"Good morning." He says with a smile on his face, but this disappear when he sees my face. "Are you fine?"

"No, I'm not fine. I was sick since I woke up. And I don't want to eat, I don't want to do anything." I can't do this anymore. I start to cry. He closes the door, he let the tray with our breakfast on the table and he hugs me. "I'm so tired, Hero..."

"Shh, it's ok." He rubs my back. "I'm here for you, Jo. I will always be here for you."

I cry as a baby at his chest. The last weeks made me like this. I'm too stressed. I'm stressed because I'm pregnant, because of the movies, interviews. And this pandemic isn't helping!

"Do you want to skip today's rehearsal?"

"You can do this?"

"Yeah, I will talk with Anna and Castille and I'm sure they will understand this."

"Yes... I don't feel like going out."

"Good. Go and eat while I will call Anna to announce that we are not going."

"You can go, Hero. I will be fine."

"We are in this together, Jo. So, I'm staying with you today."


"Nothing." He leaves and I look at the tray. There are some fruits, juice, scrambled eggs, bacon. I go closer, but I feel the smell and I run back to the bathroom. And again I throw up. It's killing me. I should go to the doctor to see why I'm feeling like this. After five minutes I hear the door and I hear Hero's voice. A few moments later, he is behind me and he keeps my hair up, while he is saying sweet things to me. What happened with the man who ran away when he found out about my pregnancy?

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