Changes (Herophine) - Part 8

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When I saw the pictures with her and that prick, I knew something was wrong. My blood boiled in my veins. And I was fixed with the idea of ending this, even if I have feelings for her.

I just landed in LA and I'm walking to the terminal. I will be cold with her. I see her waiting for me with a smile on her face. What a good actor she is... She walks to me and she continues to smile.

"Hi!" She hugs me and I don't hug her back. I love her warmth, but no. I have to be cold. "Hero?"

"Just drive me to the hotel, Josephine." I sigh and her smile pales.

"Hero... What's wrong? I thought you were staying with me..." I was.

"I changed my mind. So, will you take me to the hotel or I should find a cab?" I say pissed.

"Not until you explain me what's wrong." She has no idea, right?

"Nothing is wrong, Jo."

"Let's talk in my car. I don't want to get all the attention."

"Fine. Let's go." I give up.

I walk faster than her to the exit and I see her running after me, until she catches me. We arrive next to her car and she opens the trunk and I put my suitcase in, then we get in the car. But she doesn't start it.

"Tell me what's wrong with you?" She starts to talk.

"Nothing, I am totally fine." I avoid her look.

"No, you are not. Yesterday, when we talked, you were so excited to see me and you told me what you want to do with me and now you just want to stay at a hotel?!" She sounds so pissed.

"I think we should stop doing this. Seeing each other and messing around." I try to be as cold as I can.

"Hero..." She looks at me with her eyes. "I... I don't want this to stop."

"Stop acting, Jo. It's totally fine if we end here. You found someone else and it's fine."

"What are you talking about?!"

"I saw you last night. You let him drive you home. And you let him kiss you. I'm asking why you didn't invite him in your apartment." It's like she wasn't with a man last night.

"He is just my co-star in my movie. And he was nice to drive me home. But he didn't kiss me, Hero!"

"And then what's with these pictures?" I can't keep this. I take out my phone and I show here the pictures with that prick. I scroll to show her all the photos from the previous night. I am jealous? Yes.

"Patrick was just nice. He took me home, that's it. I have no idea why you believe all the stupid things from social media. I have nothing to do with a man in a relationship."

"So, you don't have any connection with him?"

"Just friends. You don't have to be jealous."

"I'm not jealous." I am, but she doesn't have to know this.

"Yeah." She giggles and she starts the car. "I was jealous on Friday too. When I hear that girl on your Instagram story." Jealous? Josephine Langford is jealous?

"Jealous on Abby?" I smirk. She doesn't know that Abby is gay?

"Yeah, but then I saw a picture with all of you and I saw her with her girlfriend."

"I'm single."

"And so am I."

"Drive to your apartment." Why to stay mad at her?

"Good. Because we need to talk."

"Yeah, we need to talk." I smirk and I think about what we are going to do in her apartment.

After one hour, we are finally at her apartment.

"So, what do you want to talk?" I sit on the couch. "Come here, I'm not going to eat you." I give her my hand and as she takes it, I drag her on my lap.

"You can start."

"You were the first who said that we have to talk."

"No, you go first."

"Ok, fine. We can't keep playing like this." I think I was too direct.

"What do you mean?"

"Since I saw you one month ago, I was thinking about you a lot and knowing you with another man... This made me so jealous and I put every piece in my head, ending with the idea of falling in love with you."

"Are you in love with me?" She asks too quiet and I almost hear her. What's wrong?

"Yes. After four years... I finally figured out my feelings for you. And I love you, Josephine." I cup her beautiful face with my hands. "And if the feeling is not mutual, it's fine. I just wanted to tell you this. I couldn't keep this in me." I hope she feels the same, so we won't be forced to end this.

"Shh." She puts her hands on mine and I can see that she tries so hard to not cry. "And I am in love with you, Hero... I love you." I smile, I drag her as she can straddle me and I start to kiss her. A different kiss. I think I'm glad I did it. I'm glad I told her about my feelings for her. At some point, we stop. Her lips are red and swollen and her cheeks are pink. Shy girl.

"So, we're officially a thing?" I smirk as I rub her back.

"Not yet."

"Why not? Do you need something more official? Like a real date?" I can do this. I don't care what the others will say.

"No. I have to tell you something before to make it official. I don't know if you will still want me after this."

"What's going on? You are married? You are sick? You are having a kid?"

"Well... Kind of. We are having a baby." What? I think I didn't understand what she said.

"We? What are you talking about?"

"I'm pregnant. Nine weeks."

"What?!" No... I get up and I stop listening her. Shit.

"I know I said I will..."

I leave her apartment and I don't care if she's following me. She lied to me and I don't want to listen. I'm not ready for this step in my life. But I love her so fucking much... I just want to go somewhere and to think about this. I'm not prepared to be a father. I have to be honest, I was thinking about the future with Jo, but this is too soon. 

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