Changes (Herophine) - part 5

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It's been a month since I saw him for the last time. We talked a lot since New York and I like talking with him. I just hope this connection won't be lost in the future.

After the promo ended, I started to work on a new project, a new movie... A new beginning as I would say.

We have five weeks for filming a new romance movie, and here we are in the last day of third week. It was a short day of filming for me, so I take advantage on this and I went to a routine check at my OB. I came home for a quick shower, then I went straight to the clinic.

I waited for my turn and I decided to check my Instagram. I'm not very active on social media, but sometimes I like to check what's happening with my friends. I see Hero's green bubble there. It's 1 am in London and as it's Friday, I bet he is out with his mates. I open the story and I see that he is in a club with his friends from London. As I can see, I think they are celebrating a birthday. His birthday. It's his birthday in London and he is having fun. That's good. On the background, I hear a woman voice who says: Herooo, come back to me! I need to give you your birthday present! And that's it.

I turn off my phone and I hear my name called by the nurse. I stand up and she takes me to a bathroom where I have to take a pregnancy test, this is the policy of the clinic. After I'm done with the test, I go to my doctor's office.

"Good evening, Dr. Jones."

"Good evening, Josephine. How are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you."

"Nothing happened after our last meeting?"

"No. I'm fine."

"That's good." The nurse comes in and she gives a paper to my doctor, then she leaves. "Josephine, did you have unprotected sex in the last weeks?"

"Uhm... Yes, just once." And I remember the night in Paris. "Twice. Why? What's wrong?"

"Well... The impossible is possible in your case. You are pregnant."

"No. That's not possible, you told me that I'm infertile. You said that my chances getting pregnant are very low."

"I know... But this happened. Your chances weren't zero. Look, I want you to calm down." She stands up and she gives me a bottle of water. "Drink some water and process everything. We have time to talk about this."

Pregnant. I am pregnant with Hero's child. Shit. I drink some water and I try to process this new. Pregnant with a man and I'm not even in a relationship with him. How this could happen to me?!

"Josephine, did you hear me?"

"Uhm, what? I'm so sorry... Can you repeat the question?"

"Do you want to keep the baby?"

"I don't know. This wasn't planned!"

"Ok, ok. Breath. Stay calm. Let's do an ultrasound to see what's happening and in this time, you can think about it, ok?"


I get up and dr. Jones let me in the ultrasound room and she leaves me alone to change in the boring white hospital gown.

I'm having a baby in my belly. This is a dream becoming real... But I have no idea what I am going to do.

A few moments later, my doctor comes in and we start the ultrasound. It's an internal one because she can see better what's happening.

"Well, this is a 9 weeks and two days pregnancy."

"Nine weeks?" I say surprised.

"Yes. Did you have any symptoms?"

"I was sick like a month ago, but I took a test and it was negative. And I thought I have food poisoning."

"Did you take any meds?"

"No. I just took some vitamins, that's all."

"Good. As I can see, everything looks normal here. The baby has the right dimensions for this age. Let's hear the baby's heartbeats." She presses a button and we hear the baby's heartbeats. I immediately start to cry. I'm having a baby in my belly. I am pregnant and it's all I wanted since I found out about my problems.

"I want to keep the baby." I say while I'm looking at the screen. I don't understand too much from the ultrasound, but I know there is my baby.

"That's good."

She looks on the screen, and she tells me one more time that the baby is fine . After this, she leaves me alone to change. When I'm done, I go back to her office and we talk about what I have to do until my next appointment. As until now I was fine, she told me that I can continue my work and if I feel exhausted, I can stop. She also told me to do some tests to see if the baby is healthy. When we are done, she gives me the ultrasound and I leave.

I'm already sitting in my car for 10 minutes and I stare at this ultrasound. I'm pregnant. I can't believe it! I will become a mother and I will finally have a baby. But how I will tell this to Hero? I can't keep this from him. In the end, he is the father. He is my baby daddy. Shit. How we arrived here from an affair? Oh, yes. I was stupid and I thought that a pregnancy is not possible. Perfect! Now, I will live the consequences.

When I arrive home, I let the ultrasound on the coffee table and I go to the kitchen to drink some water. When I put the bottle in the fridge, my phone starts to ring. It's Rose, my manager.

Phone call

"Hi! Sorry to interrupt you in your free time, but tomorrow is a nice event in LA and it will be great to go. The team of your latest movie will be there."

"What time and where?"

"I can send you an email with all the details."

"Ok. I will give you an answer soon. I have to make a call first."

"That's fine. Just let me know if you are going or not."


I end the call with Rose and I go to sit on the couch. Instinctively, I rub my belly. Nine weeks of pregnancy. Who thought that messing around with my co-star will lead me here? Fuck. I don't know what Hero wants. We are both young at 25. He likes to party and I can't come to him with this. But in the same time, he has to know about this. He is the father! And even if he doesn't want it, I will do it on my own.

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