Changes (Herophine) - part 15

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I came to the gym because Jo told me to have some time for me. But I can't stay focused. Not now when my girlfriend is 9 months pregnant and our baby boy can come into the world atany time.

I finish my workout and I hear my phone ringing. Shit, it's Jo.

Phone call

"Jo? Everything is fine?"

"Yes, baby. I'm fine. I just wanted to tell you to buy something."

"Uh, ok. I'm listening."

"Can you buy me some cherries and strawberries, please?"

"Of course, I can."

"Good. Thank you."

"How's Henry?"

"He is moving as always."

"That's my boy."

"You are donewith your workout?"

"Yep. I just wanted to take a shower before I come home."

"Then see you at home."

She ends the call and I go to shower. When I'm done, I leave the gym and on my way back home, I stop to the market to buy my girlfriend what she wants. After 30 minutes, I'm finally home where I find Josephine laying on the couch watching a movie.

"Hi!" I take off my shoes and I go to give her a kiss.

"Hiii!" She smiles and I kiss her beautiful lips.

"How was alone?"

"I wasn't alone. Our baby boy is here." She points to her big bump. "He is going to kill me one day."

"Just a few days, love."

"I know."

"Let me wash some fruits for you."

"That's a good idea."

I take the bag and I go to the kitchen. I wash some fruit for Jo and I go back to her. She's on bed rest because she had contractions in the last few weeks. She was very active and this caused her contractions, and the dr. Jones recommended her bed rest until she will gave birth.

A few hours later...

"Hero, I think my water just broke." I hear her panicked voice and I quickly get up.

"Shit." I look at her. Fuck. I don't know what to do. "Breath."

"Can we go to the hospital, please?"

"Yes, yes."

I help her to get up and we walk to the door.

"Are you ok, baby?" She nods and I lock the door.

One hour later, we are at the hospital and dr. Jones is checking Jo again. When we arrived at hospital, 45 minutes ago, she was two centimeters dilated. And since we arrived here, she had some painful contractions. It was hurtful for me to see her in pain, but she is so strong. This is one of the reasons why I love her.

Dr. Jones comes out from her room and I go to her.

"How is Jo?"

"She's in pain, of course. But I will send the nurse to prepare her for the epidural. She's dilating very fast and now it's the time to do this."

"Can I go to her?"

"Of course!"

I get inside Jo's room and I find her squeezing her bed sheets.

"Hi baby!" I walk to her and I kiss her forehead. "Dr. Jones told me that you will do the epidural."

"Yes." She whispers as she is kicked by another contraction. I give her my hand and I let her to squeeze it as hard as she can. I don't care about the pain I feel. I just want to take the pain from her.

"You are doing great, babe." I kiss her head.

"It hurts, Hero."

"I know, baby. But I know you are strong and you can do it. Jusf think about the moment we will have Henry in our hands, ok?" She nods.

The next two hours, after they gave the epidural to Jo, she started to feel better. We had a walk and when we went back to her room. Dr. Jones came to check her 30 minutes ago and happily, she told us that we will meet our baby boy soon.

Dr. Jones: "One big push, Josephine and your baby boy will be here."

Hero: "I know you can do it, baby."

Jo pushes one more time and a few moments later, we hear a loud baby crying. Shit. I'm a father. Me and Josephine are parents to our baby boy. This is a dream come true.

I look at the little pink human from dr. Jones. Henry Thomas is here. And he will be so loved by both of us. A nurse shows me how to cut the cord, then she puts the baby on Jo's chest. She's exhausted, but she's happy.

"Hi baby... We are your parents and we waited for you. We are so happy to have you in our life."

"Yes... Welcome into the world, Henry Thomas Langford-Tiffin."


First days with a newborn weren't as easy as we thought. It was a little bit hard to get used with a baby, but now we have a routine.

Henry or Tommy, as we like to call him, is one month old now and everyone is saying that he is my copy. But I don't see this. He looks like Jo more. But we will see later what copy he is.

"He is sleeping." She tells me as she looks at the baby who is sitting in her arms, latched on her left boob.

"He is a really good boy."

"Definitely!" She moves Tommy from her breast.

"Do you want me to take him in his room?"

"Yes, please." She hands me the baby andI gently take him in his room.

Since we are home, we tried a lot of sleeping ways and we saw that the best one for him is to sleep in a dark room, alone. It's good for him and it's also good for us. He sleeps in peace and we can have some moments for us. I let Tommy on his bed and I wait to see if he doesn't wake up, but after a few moments I turn on the baby monitor and I leave in silence.

I go back to Jo and I sit next to her on the couch.

"Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me. It's our baby, so..."

"It's ok if I'm going to have a shower?"

"Babe..." I drag her to me. "Stop asking me shit like this. If you want to take a shower, then go on. If you want to go for a walk. Go on! We are having a baby, but you don't have to tell me what do you want to do, ok?"

"Yes. Thank you." She straddles me. "I love you. And I promise that as soon as my doctor tells me that we can have sex, we can hire a nanny, so we cand have fun."

"I don't need anything. Your love is enough."

"What I did to deserve you?"

"You stole my heart." I peck her lips. "Now go and have some mommy time."

"Thank you. I love you."

"I love you."


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