Adoption (Hessa) - Part 1

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Infertility. A word like it can lead you to a deep depression and it's not good. Your mental health is thinking just about the future and how this big issue will destroy your future as a family. When the doctor said that my chances of getting pregnant are low, it felt like my world collapsed. And it hurts. It hurts like hell. This is the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. If I were alone, I wouldn't be here now. Hardin was there to support me and love me even if there was a problem with me. He was my support, he was always there and I really appreciate what he did to me since we found out the terrible news. He loves me no matter what and he always comforts me by saying the doctors are wrong and we will have a baby at some point in this life. It hurts, but life goes on.


"Nora gave birth!" I enter in our room, giving Hardin the news. It's 7am and Landon called me to tell me that Nora gave birth a few hours ago.

"Hmm?" He slowly opens his eyes looking at me.

"Nora and Landon have a baby!"

"Oh... Let's go back to sleep, then." He pats the bed and I cross my arms.

"No. I promised her that I will be there, when Addie will be here!"

"Okay, okay!" He gets up and he comes to kiss me. "Good morning?"


"Are you sure you want to be there?" He asks me, knowing how sensitive I become around babies and everything about pregnancy and giving birth.

"Yes. I will be fine, Hardin."

"Okay, then." He kisses my forehead. "Let's go and see our niece." He smiles and I kiss his lips.

We quickly get dressed, then we leave to the hospital to be with our family, because Nora and Landon are a part of our family even if we are not blood related.

We arrive at the hospital and we go to the floor where they are. We find Landon outside, with a big smile on his face.

Landon: "I have a daughter!"

Tessa: "Congratulations!" I hug him.

Hardin: "I'm happy for you, bro!" He also hugs Landon.

Landon: "Our baby girl, Addison Gibson is a sweet and chubby baby girl."

Tessa: "Can we see her?"

Landon: "In a few minutes."

Tessa: "How's Nora?"

Landon: "Exhausted, that's why she decided to stay alone today. She wants to rest and the nurses will bring the baby when she will be hungry. But she's fine. The labor was long and hard, but it was worth it."

Hardin: "It's good because she... they are okay."

Landon: "Yeah." His phone is ringing. "It's Nora. I think she needs me. I will be right back." Landon leaves and he's back a few minutes later. "I'm really sorry, I have to go home to bring her milk pump. But a nurse will come to show you the baby."

Tessa: "It's okay, Landon."

He leaves and a few moments later, a nurse comes to us and she takes us to see all the newborn babies. There are five babies, three boys and two girls. I can see who is Nora's baby. She has a lot of brown hair and she's really chubby and cute. But the other little girl is also cute and I'm amazed by her blonde hair.

Tessa: "Look at that blonde girl. She's sweet." I point to the little girl and Hardin looks there, smiling at her.

Hardin: "She's cute."

Nurse: "Her mother died short after birth and that little girl will be took to the foster home. Her mother didn't have relatives and she will grow in a foster."

Tessa: "Oh, that poor girl..."

Nurse: "Let's hope she will be adopted by a loved family and she won't end up as a homeless."

Hardin: "Yeah... And Addie Gibson? How much she weighted?"

Nurse: "Seven pounds and 21 inches. A big girl." She smiles to us. "Now, I want you to excuse me."

The nurse leaves and I keep my look on that little girl. For the first time in my life, I feel something different. The story of this little girl who will be taken in a foster home, is giving me some new feelings and I don't know if I should say something to Hardin.



"Are you okay? You seemed to be absent."

"I was thinking about something."

"Tell me..."

"This little girl... has something special and..." I don't know how he will react. "What if we will adopt her?"


"Yes... We tried to have a baby for more than a year and nothing happened. She can be our chance. She's alone in this big world and if she's ending in a foster home, maybe she will never find a good family to raise her. Or maybe she will never be adopted. And it's our chance to become parents. I think we have everything to adopt her, so why we can't try?"

"Wow... Are you sure? This is a really sensitive subject for you."

"It will end. We need a child. And I have a feeling that we will love this baby girl as it's ours."

"Then, I think we should do this step."

"Really?" I turn to him and I smile.

"Really!" I hug him and he kisses me.

We're doing this. We're having a child. We look on the window to where all the babies are and we look at this little baby, hoping that she will be ours. She's so small and cute. She has really dark hair and white skin. She's really quiet and I really hope we will be her parents.

"We should talk with someone who took care of this kind of stuff."

"Yeah, but first let's just tell Landon that we have something to do. I don't want to tell the people that we want to adopt. Not until we have her, okay?"

"Of course." He kisses my forehead and I see Landon coming to us.

Landon: "A nurse is bringing the baby to Nora to nurse her. Would you like to come?"

Tessa: "We're coming later. I bet Nora is exhausted and she doesn't need people around her."

Landon: "Alright. Just call me."

A nurse comes here and she gives the baby to Landon and he leaves, but we stop the nurse.

Tessa: "We have a question."

Nurse: "I'm listening."

Tessa: "Another nurse, told us that this girl..." I point to her. "Is going for adoption and we would like to adopt her. What we have to do?"

Nurse: "Well, you have to talk with our adoption counselor and she will give you all the details about this. You can find her at this floor. Go straight, then take left and there is her office. She will tell you everything you need to know."

Tessa: "Thank you."

We follow the nurse's directions and we arrive in the front of a white door. We knock at the door and we get inside. We say why are we there and we start a long conversation about what adoption means and what we have to do if we want to adopt her. And it's not an easy process, but I want to do it. And the adoption counselor will help us on our way in adopting this little girl. As she was born last night, she's going to keep in hospital a few more days. And as she didn't had any relatives, it will be easier for us to adopt her. And I can't wait to see how motherhood feels. 

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