The Billionaire's Proposal (Hessa) - part 3

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I take my stuff and I go back to Hardin and Kim. Hardin takes the bag with my tools and we leave to his car.


We arrive at Hardin's house and we get in. He takes me to an empty room and he helps me to put all my tools on the table.

"Do you want a coffee?"

"Yes, please."

"I will be back with it soon." He leaves and after a few minutes, is back with my coffee. He hands it to me, but our hands are touching and I feel a strange tension and the cup of coffee falls on the ground, the coffee being on my clothes. Great!

"I'm so sorry, Hardin!"

"That's fine. I can bring you some of my clothes."

"Oh, thank you."

"I will be back in a minute." He leaves and after a few moments he comes back with a shirt and some jeans.

"Thank you."

"I will let you change." He goes out and I take off my clothes, getting dressed with his.

I call him to come back and we start to work. A few hours later, around 4 pm, Hardin stops what we were doing.

"I think you worked enough today."

"We can continue if you want."

"You should go home and rest. You worked hard today. And we can continue tomorrow."

"Oh, ok then." I start to pack my tools and when I'm done, Hardin takes me to the car.

"Thanks for today, Tessa."

"It's a pleasure to work with you." I smile.

"Have a good evening and night."

"Thanks. You too."

I get in the car and after one hour I get in my apartment. Trevor is not home yet, so I go in our bedroom to change my clothes. When I'm done, I hear the door, so Trevor is home.

"Hi!" I go to meet him.

"Hello. What do you say if we are going to have dinner in town?"

"Sounds great! I'm not in the mood to cook."

"Good. I'm going to have a shower. Go get ready."


I go in the bedroom and I take out some clothes: a denim skirt, a white silk tank top. As it's September, at night, it's cold outside, so I'm going to take an oversized black blazer. And as I'm not used to wear heels, I opt for some Dr. Martens boots. I braid my hair, I apply some mascara on my lashes and lip gloss on my lips and I'm done exactly in time.

"You are already done?" He asks me while he comes in.


"I will be done soon and we can leave."

After 10 minutes, Trevor is ready and we leave to the restaurant. He decided to take me to the restaurant where we were for our first date.

"It's very nice because you brought me here." I smile as he helps me to sit on the chair. "It's been a long time since we were here."

"Yeah..." He sits down and a waiter comes to our table.

"Good evening! It's good to have you again here, Mr. Matthews. What can I get for you?"

"Two servings of chicken pastas and some wine."

"Coke for me, please."

"Understand. I will be back with your drinks soon." He leaves.

"You were here often?"


"And then why he knows your name?"

"I don't know."

After a boring dinner, we go back home. I'm surprised when I see Hardin in front of our door. What is he doing here?

Tessa: "Hardin?"

Trevor: "This is your boss?"

Tessa: "Trevor, don't start."

Hardin: "I brought your clothes. They are washed and clean."

Tessa: "You shouldn't do this."

Hardin: "Well..."

Trevor: "Now, you can leave."

Tessa: "Trevor!"

Trevor: "I'm just going inside." He enters in our apartment and now it's just me and Hardin.

"I'm sorry for his behavior."

"That's fine. But I don't know how a girl like you is with someone like him."

"Like me?"

"Smart, interesting, gorgeous, magical." I give him a shy smile. "Don't be ashamed, be proud of yourself. Girls like you are rare these days."

"Thanks for these beautiful words, Hardin. Now, I should go inside."

"See you tomorrow?"

"Yep. Good night. And thanks for my clothes."

"Good night."

I get inside the apartment and I go to sleep. Trevor is already in bed and he doesn't pay attention to me. Something is wrong with Trevor, but it's not time to ask him something. I just let the things in this way.

The next morning, I wake up so tired. Trevor is already gone for work. I'm not in the mood for work, but I have to go to Hardin's. I get up from bed and I go to do my morning routine, then I get dressed and I leave the apartment. In the front of the building, Hardin's driver is waiting for me, so I get in the car and he drives to Hardin's place. I'm still tired, but I have to work. I arrive there and I'm greeted by him.

"Good morning."

"Hi." I say and we walk to the room.


"Yes, please." He leaves and then he is back with a tray with coffee. "Thanks."

"Are you ok?"

"Just a little bit tired."

"Then you shouldn't work today. Let me do something for you."

"No. I'm fine, Hardin. Don't worry. Let's start work."

"No. We won't work for today. We have all the time do work. So lay on your stomach on the couch."


"I want to massage your back. It will relax you."

"You don't have to do this."

"And you don't have to say no. So, lay down."

"Ok, fine." I go to the couch, but he stops me.

"Take off your t-shirt."


"Just take off your t-shirt. I'm just going to massage your back."

"Ok, fine." I take off my t-shirt and I lay on the couch. He comes next to me and he pours some oil on my back, starting to massage it. Oh, this is feeling so good. His hands are magical.

"Your hands are magical, Hardin."



After 20 minutes, we are interrupted by his phone.

"I have to take this call. I'm sorry."


He leaves and I get up after this good massage. I put on my t-shirt and I wait Hardin to come back. A few minutes later, he is back.

"Let's go."


"Let's get out of here." He takes my hand and we leave upstairs, on the rooftop where is an helicopter.

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