Chapter 14

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Kyoko and the others were in Kyoko's room, they are sitting in front of a white board. ,,Okay! Listen up!" Kyoko gets everyone's attention: ,,We have to steal the key that will unlock the closet door. Basically, we'll start with the first step."

Kyoko draws Daniel: ,,This is the victim of a crime that took place. If I remember correctly, his brother is Mike, you might know him as the bartender from the bar down the road. I know someone who can turn his hair to an actual wig. He's also a staff member in the building. Some boy would ask for the key and then we'd be able to unlock it and look for any candles and banish any demons. For now, we don't have the right amount of candles. Here's the second step, once that boy who's disguised gets the closet door key, they have to go the other way to the dorms and meet us up. Basically, they have to flip a turn down the hallway where the staff member room is and then do a whole circle and then head back for the dorms. But, if anyone can mimic his voice, raise your hand.".

David raises his hand. ,,Good, now let me hear you speak." Kyoko smiles.  ,,Hello, I would like a key to the closet in the classroom, can I have one?" David perfectly mimics Mike. ,,Brilliant, once we get the wig, we will put the plan into action." Kyoko then opens the door to her room: ,,Thank you for listening.".

David and Emma finished getting ready for tomorrow and they both fell asleep....

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