If I Knew Then

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I could hear the heavy rain outside and saw a flash of lightening light up my bedroom wall. In that moment it just felt too cliche and I angrily throw my covers onto the ground and sit up.

It sounds as though everyone is asleep and I quietly get up and ease open my door. I don't see anyone so I make my way to the front door and walk outside into the rain.

The cold rain instantly takes away my irrational anger and I begin to feel better. A light goes on in the windows above me and I silently swear to myself. I can't deal with my father right now, I can't.

Without really thinking about it I take off running down the road, rain pelting my face and soaking through my clothes from the day before that I never changed out of.

My father had been more drunken than usual when I got home and some how changing hadn't made it onto the list of important things to do.

I stopped running abruptly when I came to a bench along side of the road. I sat down, further soaking my jeans, and held my head in my hands.


I was so lost. So very lost. The rain pelting the window wasn't making it any easier

to see the street in the meager lighting the street lights offered. I took a sharp turn down a road I thought I recognized, then realized I didn't know this place any more than I knew the last road.

Sighing I turned up the Muse CD that was playing and continued driving aimlessly.

Something caught my eye on the side of the road and I realized it was a person. He looked vaguely familiar, but I thought I must be mistaken.

I pulled over to the shoulder, intending on offering this person a ride when I realized who it was: Dan Howell. I was tempted to drive away and hopefully splash some nasty road water on him, but decided against it. He looked as lost as I did.

'Dan!' I shouted, rolling down the window.

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