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Authors Note:

So basically, since I've just hit 15 chapters (and about 8,000 words, woo!!) I've decided to give you guys a bit of a recap just so you can remember all the stuff that's happen because I'm sure your reading a bunch of other things and it can get confusing. Soooooo. Here we go!!


Dan snuck out of the house in the middle of the night because he was frustrated with his family. It started raining and he managed to get himself lost. Meanwhile, Phil was also lost and driving around aimlessly. Phil happens to pull down the same street on which Dan is sulking an pulls over before he realizes it's Dan. We learn that Phil is bullied at school and Dan is one of he people that bullies him. Phil, being the nice person he is, helps him anyway. We find out that Phil selfharms (Pssh, I didn't forget I introduced that to the story Dan finds out Phil likes Muse, they bond. Dan goes back to being an ass, insults Phil and Phil drops him off on his street, but not before Dan attempts to be helpful.

We jump to the next day and Dan and his friends are back to tormenting Phil, although Dan doesn't help this time. Phil is badly injured and is almost passed out in the parking lot. Dan, mustering his tiny tiny conscience, picks him up and takes him to his house to help clean him up, as his parents are away on a trip. He attempts to clean up the blood and such, but gives up. When Phil wakes up he's all but convinced himself he's been kidnapped by a serial killer, but is even more surprised when he realizes it's Dan. Phil thinks that Dan has just brought him there to hurt him some more, but eventually he trusts Dan enough to think that he's safe to stay there.

Dan apologizes to Phil and expresses how guilty he feels over what he did. After much awkwardness they play sonic (and bond). Phil gets very sleepy (he did black out, eariler in the day) and right before he falls asleep he tells Dan he forgives him. After a while, Dan falls asleep too.

Phil wakes up and freaks out because he thinks he's late, but when he realizes school hasn't let out yet he calms down. Eventually, he wakes Dan so that he can go get his car.

When they get there Dan expresses his doubt about what he's going to do the next day as far as how to treat Phil. Phil gets sassy and leaves.

Dan drives off and has a bit if a melt down. He pulls over and sits on the side of the road in his car.

When Phil gets home, his father is drunk. His father is angry because the school called and told him that Phil skipped school. Phil's father hits Phil for the first time and Phil freaks out. He leaves and then gets a text from his father telling him not to come back.

Phil drives around until dark and pulls down the same road that Dan is pulled over on. They sit in their cars for a while, then Dan comes and sits in Phil's car. They get talking and Dan eventually finds out that Phil got kicked out. Dan immediately invites Phil to stay with him and then is very embarrassed. Phil agrees to stay with him.

And that's where we're at!

I'm trying to write longer chapters now, so it might be longer between updates. (And I should really work on all the things I've been putting off). I'm enjoying writing this, though. So it won't go too long un-updated. For now I'm going to try and get a chapter out everyday. This story is just getting started, so I hope you guys stick around to the end!!

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