New Family

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Draco's P. O. V:

Who is she? I haven't seen her around! She mentioned being in Ravenclaw with that Loony Lovegood. Should I inquire about that girl? Deangelo, huh! That's what she said her family name was. I'll ask Father about the Deangellos.

["Listen to this, duck, no, Draco! Maybe you come from a great family, but you have no right to belittle others."]

That insolent girl! No one has ever dared to speak to me like that, not even Potter. Yet, there's a strange tranquility in her two brown eyes, reminiscent of resting one's head on Mother's lap.

"Draco!!! Dracooo!! Let's go to the east tower."
Annoyed by that shrill voice, Draco scanned his surroundings. Pansy Parkinson stood there with pleading eyes.

This girl only associates with me due to our families' nobility. It's not just her, everyone does that... no one considers me a friend. Look at how many friends Potter has! Huh! That filth...

["And remember, the greatness of a man does not come from his lineage but his deeds."]
Arghhh... That bothersome girl! Why do I recall her words?

"What is it, Parkinson?" I asked her in a bored tone.

She cried and said, "You know what? A first-year student cursed me and made my face look like a bulldog. Crab and Goyle have him restrained. Please go there and hex him."

Hearing this, I chuckled. Suppressing a smile, I told her, "Tell him to leave and return to his dormitory, and you should attend to your own matters."

"What? You won't do anything?" She exclaimed loudly.

"No, it doesn't feel right to hex a child."

"What has gotten into you? Are you feeling alright? Wait, I'll massage your shoulder," she whined.

"Parkinson! There's no need for that. Just leave me be. You can't even handle a first-year student. Get out and don't ruin my mood."

She glared at me angrily and hurried out of the common room. Damn it! I need to find out who she is.

Leah's P.O.V:

Hah! Finally, my stomach is full.

"Thanks, Wampi, for cooking such delicious food."

"Wampi made Miss Pendragon happy! Wampi blessed today!"

"Ha ha ha, you're so cute! Good night, Wampi."

"Good night, Miss Pendragon."

After wishing Wampi a good night, I returned to my room. There, I noticed an owl perched on the study table with a letter. Intrigued, I approached and saw my name on it. Without hesitation, I opened the letter.

Miss Celia Pendragon,
Minerva McGonagall's room,
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

We hereby inform you that, based on your academic performance, we invite you to attend the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The list of required items is attached at the end of the letter. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Eulalie Hicks,
Headmistress, Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
The United States of America.

What? Is my dream finally coming true? Yay! But what's this? Looks like another letter? Why is my name on it too? The letter is sealed with a regal-looking wax.

Dear Miss Celia Pendragon,

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