The new Defence Against The Dark Arts Teacher

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Feeling a newfound relief, my body gradually recuperated from its ailment. However, the recent conversation with Draco left me seething with frustration. Hah! I need to clear my mind and find solace. Tonight, the Headmistress will unveil our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, and tomorrow I have plans with Haywood for some much-needed girl time. That woman truly swoons over her childhood companion. I can still vividly recall that day when they ventured from Malfoy Manor to his residence. And when morning came, she apparated herself practically unclothed in my bedroom, incessantly apologizing for leaving me alone.

Lost in my musings, I rummaged through my wardrobe in search of the perfect attire. Opting for a navy blue cape suit paired with a pristine white full-sleeve shirt and black tie, accentuated by navy blue pants, I adorned myself with confidence. With a touch of elegance, I enhanced my curls, transforming them into a resplendent cascade. It was time to attend the grand opening ceremony of the new academic session.

As I made my way towards the Great Hall, Professor Penny, and Longbottom intercepted my path. "Good evening, Elly," they greeted me in unison.

"Good evening to both of you," I replied with a warm smile. Engrossed in their conversation, I couldn't help but notice the twinkle in Penny's eyes. She chirped excitedly, "Elly, do you have any idea who's poised to steal your position?"

Curious, I looked at her and admitted, "No, not really."

"Are you a NUN? The entire Hogsmeade is abuzz with speculations. Even Rita Skeeter tried to sneak in today, but thanks to Nick and Peeves, she was kicked out," Penny shared, her excitement palpable.

Intrigued, I inquired, "Why is everyone so intrigued by the new hire? Is he some sort of celebrity?"

Penny glanced at me mischievously and replied, "Oh, not yet, but his looks could rival even those of Lockhart. Merlin, he possesses features that could drop my panties. I consider myself lucky to have caught a glimpse of him when he entered Minerva's office."

Neville coughed awkwardly upon hearing Penny's bold confessions. She turned to him and teased, "What's the matter, Longbottom? I know you're shy and reserved, but if you want to hang out with me, you'll have to indulge in some juicy adult gossip too. And don't worry, I don't discriminate based on gender. I'm simply sharing my innermost thoughts with my closest friends." I rolled my eyes and continued walking, leaving Penny to ramble on, "Merlin, Elly, you'll have the chance to converse with the hunk! I envy you, blah blah blah..." Neville, meanwhile, struggled to regain his composure, coughing uncomfortably.
As we entered the majestic Great Hall, taking our seats, I couldn't help but steal a glance towards the left side of the professor's table. The new hire was seated next to Hagrid, partially obstructing my view. However, I managed to catch a glimpse of his hands, which were adorned with prominent veins and possessed long, slender fingers. His skin, pale to an almost ethereal degree, seemed to shimmer in the candlelight, reminiscent of a creature of the night.

Just as I was contemplating the enigmatic newcomer, Headmistress McGonagall joined us, radiating authority and grace. Neville, taking his place on the stage, carefully positioned the old three-legged stool and gently set the Sorting Hat atop the anxious student's head. The hall hushed in anticipation as the sorting ceremony began.

"Creevy, Suzanne... Gryffindor," the Sorting Hat proclaimed, its voice resonating with a sense of wisdom. "Patil Lee Pamela... Ravenclaw," it continued, bestowing a new house upon another eager student. The air was charged with excitement and nervous energy.

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