Celestial Reverie

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My throat began to tingle and I struggled to breathe in the suffocating hall. Desperately trying to steady myself, I grasped onto the staircase railing. Draco's eyes sternly fixed on the direction his father had gone. However, as soon as he noticed my distress, he turned and gently held me in his arms.

"Leah! Look at me. Are you alright? Can you see the fingers?" he asked, holding up two fingers in front of my eyes.

I nodded weakly, my words barely audible as I gasped for air. "I- I need some fre-freash air."

He nodded and help me to went to the balcony of the left wing of the manor.
"Here drink this," he said, handing a goblet of cold water. I gulped it down eagerly, feeling every cell of my body body slowly relaxing.

"Look at me Leah and breath with me," Draco instructed. I nodded and followed his lead. "Breath in, 1-2-3, breath out. Great, now repeat after me."

We continued the exercise for some time, and I could feel my self slowly calming down.

"Thank you, Mr. Mal- sorry, Draco, I'm sorry I wasted your night. I'm fine now. You can go to the party." I suggest him.

He smirked, and replied, "I'm selenophil, Leah. So when the moon is here with me, why should I go back to the gloomy party?" My cheeks become hot, and I feel my heart skip a beat at the unexpected comment. "Wha-what?" I stammered, looking at him incredulously.

He gestured towards the night sky and said, "look there, today is the full moon." I followed his gaze and saw the majestic full moon, radiating a sweet and passionate bluish light. The Malfoy's garden was bathed in its beauty, and the cold chilly wind blowing the leaves mildly, like a mother cradling her child and sometimes leaving soft kisses on my shoulders.

"See how magical is this?" He asked me. I am mesmerized by this beauty and when I looked at him, I see he was already starting at my face. "Yeah, it is." I replied softly, not wanting to disrupt the enchanting atmosphere with my loud thoughts. Though I couldn't help but notice how Draco's grey eyes became more attractive in the blue moonlight.

Our eyes were locked onto each other for a long time, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity with him. It was like we've met before, maybe in a past life? Then, he finally broke the trance and coughed before asking, "Leah, no need to pressure yourself, but as your doctor, I need some informatios. So take your time and answer me, when did these things start with you? I believe you didn't have panic attacks since your childhood?"

I stared down at my feet for a few moments, took a deep breath, and replied, "No, maybe I didn't have it in my childhood."

"Maybe?" he questioned, repeating my word.

"I can't remember much from my childhood, actually. It's like there are certain parts of my teenage years that I can't recall. Though, I know that..." I trailed off for a moment, gathering the courage to tell him what I was about to reveal. "Draco, you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone about this, not even your closest ones. My mom and grandma forbid me from sharing this with anyone, saying that it will bring them danger. I don't know what kind of danger, but I love them more than myself, so I don't have the courage to experiment with this."

He nodded in understanding and took out his wand. After casting the SILENCIO spell, he put it back in his pocket.

"So, the thing is, I'm not a true Scamander. I'm adopted," I blurted out, nervously searching his face for any sign of shock or disgust. Would he lose interest in me after finding out that I'm not from a noble family? But his face showed none of those emotions. In fact, it was as if he already knew who I was.

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