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<<Malfoy Manor (1996)>>

Voldemort's imposing figure graced the drawing-room of Malfoy Manor, surrounded by a circle of death eaters gathered around a grand table. His crimson eyes pierced the room, fixating on Amycus Carrow.

"Have you obtained any information, Amycus? Any sign of the girl?" Voldemort inquired, his voice cold and calculating.

Amycus bowed his head, his face displaying a mix of fear and desperation. "M-my Lord! I'm doing everything in my power to find her, but I haven't located anything yet," he stuttered.

Voldemort's expression remained calm, a slight curl at the corners of his lips. The room fell into an eerie silence, akin to the calm before a storm.

"I see," Voldemort said, his tone laced with intrigue. "Two long years, and you still cannot find a mere teenage girl. Impressive, isn't it?" He turned his gaze to the other death eaters, but none dared to meet his eyes or speak.

Without warning, Voldemort turned back to Amycus and unleashed the Cruciatus Curse upon him. Amycus fell to the floor, writhing in pain, pleading for mercy.

"Please! Please, my Lord, have mercy!" Amycus begged.

"Enlighten me, Amycus," Voldemort snickered. "Why should I spare you?"

Alecto, Amycus's twin sister, could not bear to witness her brother's suffering. She rushed to his side, hugging him tightly, and pleaded for his life.

"My Lord, please grant my brother another chance. I believe that by the end of our investigation, we will find the girl. Give us a chance," she implored.

"Why should I, Alecto? Your brother, the dreadful Deatheater - Amycus Carrow, has failed thus far. Yet you believe you can succeed?" Voldemort's voice dripped with arrogance.

"Yes, my Lord! We have not yet investigated inside Hogwarts. Lucius's son claims to have seen a mysterious girl there. We should search the school," Alecto whispered the last part.

Voldemort's eyes flashed red with anger. "You think I haven't considered this?" he exclaimed. "I asked Severus, and he assured me that Dumbledore wouldn't be foolish enough to harbor the girl at Hogwarts. If she were there, Severus would know. Dumbledore doesn't fully trust him, but he trusts the other professors even less. According to Severus, none of them know of any new students."

"But, my Lord..."

"Silence!" Voldemort cut her off.

Dolohov stepped forward and offered his insights. "My Lord, it doesn't necessarily mean the girl isn't at Hogwarts. Dumbledore is wise; he doesn't trust Snape, but he does trust other staff members. It's possible that other professors know of her presence while keeping it hidden from Snape."

A moment of silence followed, with Voldemort contemplating Dolohov's words. Eventually, he relented, "Perhaps you're right, Dolohov. Very well, Amycus, I shall spare you for now. Search Hogwarts, but beware of Dumbledore. Though I doubt any professor would divulge such information."

Crabbe's father, eager to please Voldemort, suggested, "My Lord, since the girl comes from the Muggle world, she would likely take Muggle Studies. We should investigate Charity Burbage; she seems weak-willed and encourages acceptance of Muggle-borns. We might even find some amusement in the process."

"Excellent suggestion, Crabbe," Voldemort replied enthusiastically. "I'm eager to meet this 'wise woman' as soon as possible." With that, he left the drawing-room, heading towards his bedroom.

Bellatrix, standing silently by the fireplace, gritted her teeth and vowed, "I will never let that girl reach him. I'll do whatever it takes, even if I have to sacrifice my own body."

Celia's P.O.V:

Rolf appears so tense. I wonder if everything is alright. Is something wrong with Grandpa Newt? I'll have to ask him later. Right now, Maeve and I are headed to meet our respected mentors. We'll be graduating next year, and all the mentors from the four houses have organized a career readiness session.

Maeve is unusually quiet, lost in thoughts about her dreamy encounter with Rolf. She acts like a lost puppy around him, but my brother is utterly oblivious. Sometimes I can't help but envy her. Maeve is incredibly gorgeous with her shiny blonde hair, flawless skin, and rare purple eyes. Every boy at Ilvermorny has a crush on her, yet she's madly in love with my idiot brother.

"Hey, Maeve, are you with us? What's wrong? You seem awfully quiet," I asked, concerned.

"Nothing, Elly," she replied softly.

"Oh, come on, Maeve. I can read you like an open book. Tell me what's bothering you."

"I-I think I act like a fool around your brother. He doesn't even spare me a glance. It's so embarrassing! I feel so dumb," she grumbled, her eyes glistening with tears.

"Don't be ridiculous, Maeve. You're not acting like anything. Honestly, you freeze up whenever he's near. Rolf is just a clueless nerd. He doesn't notice all those 'Rolf Scamander Fan Girls.' Sometimes, I think he

'll die a virgin!" I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

She giggled and wiped her tears. "Thanks, Elly. You always know how to cheer me up. Now let's hurry before Miss Hicks gets mad at us."

Ten minutes later, we arrived in front of the teachers' common room, located beneath the rooftop's spiral staircase. The door was arched and had a beautiful salted caramel color. Two statues of hooded witches guarded the entrance.

"Apertia!" I commanded before the entrance. One of the statues turned towards me, and I continued, "Celia Scamander with Maeve Wilkinson, 6th-year Horned Serpent and Pukwudge."

The statue asked for the reason, and I explained, "Miss Hicks and Mr. Calderon invited us for a career readiness session."

The other statue presented a book-like wooden box with colorful glasswork on the cover. We touched it one by one, and the book began to glow, opening the door. "You're permitted to enter the common room of Ilvermorny."

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