Broken Glasses

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Stepping into the grand ballroom, Romeo gently pulled me closer by the waist, his actions tinged with curiosity. I shot him a puzzled look, and in response, he offered a warm and endearing smile. In the room, we could see all the respected teachers, wizards, and witches who made up the Hogwarts school management gathered on the stage, while the students assembled below. My eyes scanned the crowd, finding Penny and Mr. Barnaby Lee entering together, Longbottom with his fiancée, Hannah Abbott, walking hand in hand, and even Hagrid with Professor Sprout. But my curiosity was stirred when I noticed Draco standing alone. Where was his date? Had he not brought one, and if not, why? I mulled over these questions as Headmistress McGonagall grabbed everyone's attention.

"Dear students! This year, we have the privilege of hosting the Celestial Ball at Hogwarts. After many years, we're proud to bring back this tradition. We hope each one of you enjoys this evening, celebrating your youthful exuberance. However, I must remind you to behave responsibly, as this is an age when one can easily make mistakes. We trust that you'll savor every moment of this ball. Let the music begin."

The torches were dimmed, and the hall filled with the soft, radiant light of moonbeams streaming through the glass ceiling. Fairies sent forth their dance of soft blue, pink, green, and yellow enchanted wing's glow, while the enchanted stars twinkled above, creating a romantic, natural atmosphere where lovers could reunite through time. It was a scene of chilling yet romantic magnificence, invoking a warm sense of comfort, like a lady resting her head on her lover's chest, free from worldly concerns. This magical ambiance had the power to melt the heart of an aromantic.

The gentle, soothing music enveloped the hall, and everyone gracefully took their positions. Romeo kissed my fingers tenderly and, with a polite request, asked, "My lady, would you honor this poor man with a dance?"

I laughed, teasingly responding, "Oh, finally, you ask. I was beginning to think you'd forgotten about me, my lord!"

In an instant, he held my hands firmly and pulled me closer, placing one hand on my waist and the other gently clasping my hand, while one of my own hovered over his chest. His voice, low and husky, caressed my ears as he whispered, "I'm only yours, darling."

Skeptical, I arched an eyebrow. "For tonight, I presume, kitty..." he said with a wink and a playful tone.

I huffed and remarked, "Merlin, I wondered what had come over you!" Our dance began slow and tender, following the enchanting melody. The scent of his nostalgic and alluring perfume filled the space between us. We were in such close proximity that I could feel his warm breath against my cheeks. With this newfound intimacy, I observed his features closely. Romeo was one of the most attractive and handsome men I'd ever met. His complexion was flawless but bore a subtle paleness. His hair was thick, soft, and silky, a tempting sight. I had an urge to run my fingers through it. His eyes, deep and mysterious, held a wealth of intimacy, framed by thin yet undeniably sexy, manly lips.

"Kitty, stop drooling publicly. I can call Creevy to take some pictures so you can treat yourself to them later," he suggested with a mischievous tone.

His dirty insinuation brought me back to reality, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. I fervently wished the floor would just swallow me up. "Shut up, Milord! I'm not drooling."

His smirk remained, and he placed his thumb at the corner of my lips, then sensually ran it over. "Then, what's this?" His thumb now bore a trace of my lipstick and lip gloss. "Oh, it's your lip gloss!" he acknowledged, but before I could offer a snarky retort about his naivety, he put his thumb in his mouth, sucking and licking off the lip gloss while maintaining eye contact. A shiver of desire ran through me, and I swallowed hard. "Oh, so delicious!" he grinned and then playfully twirled me.

Now, my back was against his chest, and his hands firmly circled my waist. With a delicate touch, he brushed my hair from my left shoulder to the right, then slowly brought his face close to my ear from behind. His voice was a sensuous whisper, "So, kitty, you're saying you didn't play with your kitty?"

Each word sent shivers through my core. Stammering, I inquired, "Wh-what are you saying?" He repeated himself, each word a slow, deliberate caress.

"The day I first arrived at Hogwarts, after we parted ways, I couldn't sleep in my new surroundings. I decided to take a late-night stroll in the corridors. But I came to an abrupt halt when I heard a sound. Not just any sound, but sultry moans coming from your room, Professor Scamander. You have quite a sexy voice, but maybe you shouldn't use it for an audience. Alright, kitty?" He spoke to me as one might address a cat, with an affectionate yet sly tone. "By the way, who were you thinking about at that time?" He asked, his tone seemingly innocent. However, his words left me both incredibly turned on and deeply embarrassed. He had overheard me pleasuring myself, and he remained blissfully unaware that I had been thinking about him during that intimate moment.

"I-I don't remember," I lied, casting my gaze downward.

His voice grew more serious as he commanded, "Don't... don't look down. Look into my eyes." I obeyed him, meeting his gaze. In his eyes, I saw a deep lust, and I was consumed by desire to the point where it felt as though I was trembling, the sensation seemingly dripping down to my inner thighs.

"Who were you thinking about that night, love?" He brought his face closer to mine, our lips mere inches apart, and he repeated the question, his tone seductive.

"Romeo!" I moaned, and he leaned in further, but suddenly, a sound of shattering glass pierced the air. I was the first to glance in that direction, realizing we were standing in the same spot where Draco had been previously. His wine glass was now shattered, and his hand was dripping blood.

"Oh, Merlin! Draco!" I hurried toward him. "How did this happen? Come with me. I have an ointment that will heal the cuts," I said, moving to take his arm, but he stopped me. "Leah! Stop," he calmly insisted.

"Huh?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm accustomed to minor mishaps here and there. You need not worry for me. I'm okay," he reassured me in a composed manner.

"You're okay? Even with this much blood? Do you think I'm a five-year-old? It could get infected if not treated soon. Please, for God's sake, Malfoy, come with me!" I urged him.

I felt a hand on my bare shoulder and turned to see Romeo. He smiled and said, "Kitty, the Doctor himself says he'll be fine. You needn't worry about him. He's a doctor, after all. He can care for his own wounds, isn't that right, Doctor Malfoy?" He flashed his signature smile and glanced at Malfoy. Malfoy gritted his teeth, but before he could reply, I intervened.

"Professor Milord, you don't understand how clumsy he gets when it's about himself! I can't leave him alone in this condition. Draco, come with me," I insisted, guiding him.

Romeo stopped me by holding my hands, gently prying them away from Draco's. His actions left me puzzled, and I gazed at him, furrowing my brows. He offered his boyish smile and then said, "What kind of man would I be if I can't solve my lady's problem?" With that, he took Draco's injured hand, wielding his wand, his jaws tightly clenched. Meanwhile, Draco glared at him as if he could set him on fire with his stare. What's wrong with these men? I pondered.

"Episkey," Romeo murmured the spell, and Draco's hand was instantly healed. I felt utterly foolish! I had been so flustered seeing him hurt that I had forgotten to use the spell, insisting instead on treating his wounds. Goodness! Malfoy and Milord probably think I'm a ditz now!

"Oh! I... I just forgot about that spell," I confessed, offering both men a sheepish smile.

Draco acknowledged with a nod, silently exiting the ballroom.

"Draco, wait!" I called after him, but Romeo interrupted by gently grasping my waist. "Kitty, Doctor Malfoy needs some alone time! Also, are you going to leave your date alone tonight? Hummm?" he purred. Blushing, I stammered, "I... I'm sorry but I get tensed. Sorry, Professor Milord..."

"Romeo. I'm Romeo for you, kitty," he smirked.

"Yes, Romeo! Sorry for this disturbance. Let me make up for it," I offered, and together we swayed to the music in the ballroom.

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