The tale of two sisters

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I tried my best to push Rolf. "What did you give me? Why do I feel this way?"

But he said indifferently, "First of all, shut up or I will not say anything." I stooped on the edge of the bed and trudged towards the door. Rolf said "Leaving this room will not going to help, Elly. I locked the whole room. Now sit down."

I quietly went and sat next to him. "That's my girl! Now listen. Voldemort, do you remember the name somewhere?"
I frowned at him,
"Voldemort? No! Can't remember"

"Think carefully."

Voldemort-Voldemort-Volde ... Then, in front of my eyes, some fragmentary events unfolded. A snake-like man and a blonde boy with gorgeous blue eyes. What's his name? No, I Can't recall. The broken glass of the Triwizard cup! Peter Pategrew! Murder of Dumbledore and last but not least Harry Potter!
"Yes! I recall some parts. It's like a vague dream to me." I said to him in a trembling voice. "But I can't remember what exactly happened with those people, why I can't remember them!?"

"Good, Elly. Don't pressurize yourself. You will remember everything eventually. Now listen to what I am going to ask you and you should obey me. Okay?" Rolf asked.

I watch him skeptically. "No", I exclaimed." I will not obey you before listening to what are you going to ask." I dreadfully retorted him.

"Oh, Elly! For Merlin's sake! Don't act like mom. I am not involving you in smuggling, relax sis." He huffed.

"Then what?" I inquired.

"Okay, I have no choice but to unveil some parts of your vague memory. Don't try to stress on your brain or else mom will be grounded both of us. Listen you're somehow connected to that Voldemort, who is no more. But you know mom is a part Vella and a part Skogsrå?"

"Skogsrå? What is this?" I asked him.

"They are dark creatures who appear in the form of a small, beautiful woman with a seemingly friendly temperament. They appear like a woman from the front but seen from behind they often have a hollow back and a tail. They can perform dark, ancient, unforgivable curses that any wizard even Voldemort can't perform. Don't you feel mom is more powerful than the rest of us?" He asked me.

"Ye-yeah. But I thought being part Vella she got the powers, but why are you telling me this now? What? Do you think mom is going to curse me? Are you going insane Rolf?" I yelled at him.

"No, no, Elly. Mom will sacrifice herself to save you. I assure you. But mom will not disclose this truth to you. She always hates herself for being a Skogsrå."

"Part Skogsrå." I correct him.

"Whatever, but her mom is a Skogsrå and traps her father in her nasty act. Mom's father means grandpa's mother is a Vella. She knows from the beginning that Grandma is not a normal witch. She holds dark powers but Grandpa doesn't believe her at first. After some years of their marriage, two girls were born. One is mom and another is her twin sister Glistella. Both of them hold the dark power of Skogsrå. But mom got the power of Vella for her kindness, generous behavior, and purity. That's why aunt Stella always envy her even she tried to kill her with help of her mother. Because grandma also hates her for her prominent Vella power and weak Skogsrå power. One day when both of them appear in their real form of Skogsrå, mom's grandma called her son and other Aurors to reveal the truth. The Aurors immediately kill her mother but spear aunt Stella because she was only fifteen then. But Grandpa banished her from their estate. After that mom tried to reconnect with her. But still, she tried to harm mother and her grandmother, because she believes that for them their mother was killed. Even she tried to seduce father to hurt mom. But you know Dad always loves mom more than himself, so he doesn't give a fuck to her. Only the power of true love can destroy the curse of Skogsrå."

"I see, so why you are telling me this in the middle of a rainy night by trespassing in my room like a burglar?"

"Because I can't give you the memory drink in front of everyone. Mom obliviates you to remove those Voldemort-related memories though, before this, I collect all the related memories. But for their sudden appearance, some fragments of that memory string dissolved in the air that's why you can't properly remember, Dumbo."

"Ro! Shut up. But why did she try to remove those memories?" I asked. I still do not understand what's happening to me.

"Because while performing your reincarnation ritual they found out the drops of your blood going out from our house, so they assume that Stella is involved with something that's why... But I know you will master in occlumency and I believe you should remember everything because forgetting past will not help you to grow in your future. You should learn from your past and prepare to face your future. That's why I do this. Sorry sis, if I hurt you. Because I have only this way to save you. Mom and others don't agree with me. They think it will be best if you forget everything. So if Stella tries to Legilimance you, she can't find anything. Again I am sorry, Elly." He drooped his head.

I hugged him tightly, "No Ro! Don't feel this way! You are the best brother anyone could dream for. I doubt if I have my brother he cares for me like you. Don't be sad Ro! I promise you I will master in Occlumency. "

"Don't say like that Elly. You are my sister. Don't think that we are your foster family." He said while hugging me back.

"But, one thing I don't understand, is why would Stella try to read my mind, and if she collected the blood what will be she going to do with that? "I asked him.

"Because you are not an ordinary witch. Though you don't remember you are special Elly. And she knows Mom has only one boy. So if she came to know about you and your adoption she will be suspicious. And if she knows who you are, then she can try to use your powers, Elly. "

"Oh! And one last question! Why are you coming into my room from the window?"

Rolf laughed and said "because mom binds your room with spells that's why I can't enter. She somehow guessed that I will try to do something. After all, I am a Scamander. Now sleep well. Good night sis."

"Good night Ro." And then he went out from the window.

Heaven's Riddle: Unveiling Secrets of Love and Magic || T.M.R x OC x D.MWhere stories live. Discover now