The Mysterious Man

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Leah's P. O. V:

Uhm, I can't's too hot. Suddenly I woke up and scanned the room.
It feels like there seemed to be somebody present. I'm not going to lie down again. Then noticed, the sound of rain is not coming. When did the shower stop? My whole body is fretting profusely. The room slowly became stuffy.

Leah then opened the window and saw that it was raining hard outside.

Then why there is no sound inside the room? Is the room soundproof then? Nope, I was getting sounds when I arrived. And why do I feel so restless?
I need to drink water, my throat is getting dry. At that time I noticed that the room is completely dark.

Huh! - What happened?
I clearly remember the candle was on while I slept, and the candle was quite long and thick. That's why it's not going to end so soon. And as far as I can remember, the room is dark before the window opened. Therefore, it should not be off by the wind!
I saw my mother's golden chain watch. It's 3 a.m. I can see the time because this chain is quite mysterious. It glows in dark. Sister Marie handed over me this saying that it was my mother's.

Huh? It's 3 o'clock now? Means only 2 hrs passed? Time seems to have stopped here.

Leah left the window open and went to bed. The wind is blowing harder outside. She got ready for bed again, suddenly noticing that the room has become unusually cold.

How is the weather inside the house changing so fast? Should I call Peter? What can I say? That this house can automatically changes its temperature?
If I said that, he should think I'm crazy‍.

Suddenly she felt something move next to the chair. She can not see it clearly as the room is dark.
Leah pulled the sheet over her body. An unknown panic caught her.

Immediately she heard a sound, a very strange sound. The sound of rubbing something on the floor. She observed it and her heartbeat become faster. Something like a shiny thick rope.

Shit!! It's a snake!

"Peter !! Peter !! Hurry up ... save me, Peter. "
She shouted to call Peter with all of her strength. In the blink of an eye, she saw Peter standing in front of the foot stand.

Seeing him, Leah felt like she was in tears.

"P-Peter please save me!
Ah-hu-huge snake is in the room. Get it out soon!!"

But instead of chasing it, Peter looks at her and smiles.

"Wh-Why are you smiling? Get it out of here!"
She shouted.

"Sorry little girl, I can never do that. The Lord's will is my command."
He said calmly.

"Are you become mad? Then why did you shelter me?"

"That is also the will of the Lord. Also, it was his will to give you food."

"Lord is never so cruel Peter, he is merciful. You are nothing more but mentally ill and ..."

"I am merciful dear."

Before she could finish speaking another faint voice spoke, like the one Leah heard before entering the house. That's when Peter squirms in fear.

From the darkness, a faint figure slowly appeared in front of the bed.
Although she could not see anything clearly, she realized that it was a man. Someone not quite healthy, and approx 6 feet tall.

"Wh-h-Who are you?" Lea asked the man in a trembling voice.
"How? eh - When did you enter my room?" she asked.

"In your room? Huh." The man asked sarcastically.

Suddenly a soft white light shone. Her eyes were dazzled by the light
Slowly she could see the man's face or something like a face.
Whiter than a skull, with wide, livid scarlet eyes and a nose that was flat as a snake's with slits for nostrils... the red eyes, whose pupils were slits, like a cat's, gleamed still more brightly through the darkness.

"Go-gho-gho oooost!!!!!Peter, there are ghosts here. Please save me. Please."
Leah screamed in panic.

"shut up girl! Wormtail! Shut up this Muggle"-said the ghost lazily.

Suddenly Leah felt as if some invisible force had tied up her hands and feet. She can't move even after hundreds of attempts.

"So....sit quietly like a good girl and listen to me."
Saying this, the figure sat in one corner of the bed.

"You have only a short time left in this beautiful world. First of all, congratulations on sacrificing for a great cause."

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