Torn Bonds

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Third Person's POV:

In the midst of a tempestuous, rain-soaked night, a foreboding cave loomed by the fabled forested mountains of Scotland. Two figures, concealed beneath hooded cloaks, ventured inside. As they reached the cave's entrance, one of them moved to ignite their wand for light, but the other gestured to halt. Swiftly, the second figure navigated the depths of the cave, exuding familiarity, while the hesitant companion reluctantly followed suit.

Within the cave's murky confines, a ghastly sight awaited them. The first figure cast the spell "Lumos," illuminating the grim tableau that shook them to the core. The other figure sat atop a mound of lifeless bodies-remnants of humans in various states of disfigurement. Heads severed, limbs missing, entrails exposed-the scene exuded a macabre and poisonous ambiance.

"What, frightened, my handsome companion?" the figure sitting on the mound taunted.

Momentarily taken aback, the hesitant figure masked their fear with a veneer of arrogance and retorted, "Cease this nonsense and answer me: Are you truly confident in your success?"

"You dare question my abilities?" the figure atop the mound retorted.

"Huh!" The hesitant figure grunted. "Do not forget our agreement," they warned.

"Only if you prove successful," the other figure responded, their words laden with a mysterious promise.

17 Weeks Later
Leah's Point of View

After nearly four months of advertising, we had received a mere five applicants for the Defense Against the Dark Arts position. The persistent rumors surrounding the role still held a grip on people's beliefs, though Minerva and the other staff remained tight-lipped about the matter. So I really don't know what it's about and they give me the excuse that superstition had taken hold, spreading like a plague. As much as I desired to inquire with the students, it wouldn't be appropriate. Nonetheless, I hadn't experienced anything truly terrifying or dangerous myself, except for the eerie sensation of being watched. Today, the panel would conduct interviews, and from next Monday, the new hire would join the school. Finally, I could enjoy some much-needed free time.

Lost in my thoughts, I made my way towards the kitchen to grab a few snacks. However, my plans were interrupted when I spotted Lucius Malfoy pacing in the courtyard. Approaching him, I greeted him, "Hello, Mr. Malfoy. May I help you?" His cold eyes momentarily sparkled upon seeing me, and he replied, "No, Professor. I am waiting here for one of my candidates who is giving an interview. He is not familiar with the area, so I need to bring him here."

Not dwelling on it further, I nodded and said, "Alright, hope he gets the job." With that, I left the courtyard, leaving Lucius to his wait.

Thoughts of Draco consumed my mind as I journeyed onward. He continued to avoid me, and my attempts to reach out were thwarted by Minerva. Even during parent-professor meetings, he maintained a strictly professional demeanor. However, his eyes always betrayed him. I could sense that he had much to confide in me. Draco, I will wait for you. You can share anything with me. I will wait until the end of time itself. As these thoughts occupied my mind, a sense of unease washed over me, an inexplicable discomfort. I couldn't quite pinpoint its source. Abandoning my snack plans, I decided to retreat to my cabin, seeking solace within its walls.

Three Days Later

Today, Draco arrived in the morning to check on me. My body was engulfed in a raging fever since Friday, impervious to any potion's healing touch. A faint pain lingered in my left chest, its source a mystery.

"I suggest you rest today. Your fever persists, and I need to take a sample of your blood for testing," Draco advised, settling into a chair beside me, his gaze fixed upon my weakened form. I glanced at him briefly, my eyes filled with sorrow, and my voice trembled as I uttered, "Hmm."

He let out a sigh and gently replied, "Don't 'hmm' at me... I'm only trying to look out for you."

Looking at him, my eyes brimming with sadness, my voice choked with emotion, I said, "Oh really? Since when did Doctor Draco Malfoy start considering his patient's emotions alongside professional obligations?"

His gaze met mine, and he confessed, "Listen, Scamander. I know I'm not doing the best job right now, but I don't have a choice. I want to tell you everything, but I'm bound by a promise, someone very dear to you, to protect you at all costs."

"But Draco, I've been waiting for you... Even if you choose not to share anything with me, that's alright. But please, don't ignore me. You're the only one with whom I've shared my deepest fears and darkest secrets. It devastates me not to speak with you," I hiccuped between my words, my complaint filled with longing.

"Don't cry, Celia. Okay, I'll continue to spend time with you. But think about what people will say if they see us. You have a brilliant career, a promising future. If they witness you spending time with me, a widowed man with a checkered past, and considering I have a grown son, you deserve better, Celia. Try to make connections with other people as well. I know it may be challenging to step out of your comfort zone at first, but believe me, you can meet someone who truly makes you feel special," he spoke, his gaze drifting towards the open window.

"But Draco..."

"No 'buts.' Let's be practical. It's infatuation, Leah. You've only opened up to me after your family. That's why you think..." He paused, a heaviness in his voice. "You know what I mean. I assure you, I'll always be by your side as a friend." With those words, he left my cabin. I was too stunned to process anything, tears silently streaming down my face. Unbeknownst to me, he wiped away his own tears, his eyes glistening, and with a choked breath, he departed.

I felt everything crumbling around me, a sense of emptiness consuming my being. I am old enough to make my own decisions, so why should I concern myself with the opinions of others? They don't care when I have my attacks. It's always you, Malfoy, who comforts me, I realize. And while it may be challenging for Scorpius, I don't believe he harbors any resentment towards me. I know my mother would be furious if I married a man with a child already, but ultimately, it's my life. However, today, Draco made it clear that he hadn't considered such a future. A sudden realization washed over me—has it always been me? Have I been the one investing so much thought into this? Even after his confession, I still ponder the idea of marriage? Shame on me. I should wallow in my own despair. Perhaps my fever has clouded my judgment. I lay back on the pillows, surrendering to rest for now. Ah, tonight, we welcome the new professor to Hogwarts.

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