Awakening Desires (18+)

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Warning: This chapter contains explicit adult content intended for mature readers. Reader discretion is advised.

"Did you really just ignore that Adonis, Elly?" Haywood whispered in my ear. I looked at her skeptically, but before I could respond, McGonagall's voice rang out, announcing, "Let's dig into the feast!" Plates laden with a sumptuous buffet materialized before us. I dismissed Penny's concern with a wave of my hand, saying, "Oh, you know...just my anxiety."

She glanced at me mischievously and pleaded, "So, can I call Malfoy, pleaseeee?" I shook my head, adamant in my decision. "No." Undeterred, she persisted, her eyes filled with determination. "Pretty please?" I let out a sigh, relenting a little. "Listen, Penny, I just need some time alone, alright?" She nodded, understanding my need for solitude. "Longbottom, could you pass the pepper, please?" I requested, diverting the conversation.

Suddenly, I heard a voice beside me saying, "Isn't it right, Professor Scamander?" I turned my head and found Minerva leaning in, her curiosity piqued. I apologized, "Sorry, Minerva, I didn't quite catch that." She repeated her question, inquiring about the vacancy in Slughorn's cabin. "Yes, Minerva, it is," I confirmed. She smiled appreciatively. "That's great, dear, now Milord you will be staying there. Could you guide Professor Milord to his cabin? As it's located on the right wing of your corridor." I nodded, glancing past her to find Professor Milord already fixated on me, wearing an amused smile. His eyes, though, pierced through my soul, as if capable of undressing me with their gaze. The mere thought sent a shiver down my spine. "Su-sure, Professor Milord. You can count on me," I managed to stammer. He responded with a sincere, boyish smile, revealing a set of dazzling white teeth, before engaging in conversation with Hagrid.

"Seriously, girl! The man gave you that orgasmic smile, and you merely nodded at him?" Penny whispered, unable to contain her astonishment. "Shh, Penny, don't embarrass her now. He's literally sitting right beside her," Neville interjected, trying to save the situation. Penny couldn't help but gawk at Professor Milord, while I focused my attention on satiating my hungry stomach.

After bidding everyone goodnight following dinner, Professor Milord and I began walking toward our respective cabins. Interestingly, we happened to reside in the same corridor, although in opposite directions- the East Wing corridor. His room lay past mine, so I quickly detoured to retrieve my wands and schedules before resuming the journey. We engaged in light conversation throughout the walk, taking turns initiating topics.

"So, it's Romeo, right?" I started, attempting to break the silence. He chuckled softly and confirmed, "Yes, it is." I couldn't help but express my intrigue. "Don't take it the wrong way, but it's quite unique. I haven't come across anyone else with the same name." To my surprise, he seemed astonished. "Really? It's actually quite common among Muggles," he replied. Curiosity piqued, I inquired further, "How so?" He explained, "There's a popular character in a novel with that name, so it's gained some familiarity."

"Oh! What does the name mean?" I asked, genuinely interested.

"Passionate and intense love," he responded, his voice carrying a quiet depth.

"Beautiful," I murmured, contemplating the significance behind the name. Wanting to reciprocate the introduction, I realized I had forgotten to provide my own. Smiling, I finally introduced myself, "Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to introduce myself earlier. My name is Celia Tina Scamander, and I teach potions at Hogwarts." I anticipated the usual astonishment upon hearing the name Scamander, as others often reacted similarly.

However, to my surprise, he simply smiled and said, "Celia?" I nodded, my smile mirroring his. "Doesn't it mean 'heaven'?" he remarked casually. I looked at him, taken aback. He didn't exhibit the usual surprise or curiosity about my surname. It was a unique and refreshing encounter. "Yes! The meaning of my name is indeed 'heaven'," I confirmed, intrigued by his observation. It suddenly dawned on me-Draco had once referred to me as "Heaven" during a conversation, but that was the extent of it. He hadn't called me by that name since.

Heaven's Riddle: Unveiling Secrets of Love and Magic || T.M.R x OC x D.MTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang