Invisible Pain

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"What just happened?" Albus wondered, completely dumbfounded, as he walked through the hallway toward the moving staircase. Rose joined them along with others, and she couldn't help but murmur, "Shut up, dunderhead! We've been shipping them from the beginning. I hope after today's incident, our ship will finally sail!" A huge blush adorned her cheeks, and her eyes gleamed with dreaminess.

Edward curiously asked Rose, "Aren't you all drooling over the nincompoop professor? Then why are you setting Angie up with him?"

Smack! Edward yelped as Victory smacked him with a folded copy in her hand. "Ah!" he winced in pain.

"Yeah! We might have a huge crush on him, but that doesn't mean we're going to marry him. Having a crush on someone and loving someone are two different things," Victory retorted. Edward gave her a side-eye, but she ignored it and continued, "Do you think I'm going to marry Ben Barnes instead of you, Lupin?"

Edward looked at her with wide eyes and inquired, "And who is this Ben Barnes?"

With an offended expression, Victory responded, "That means you didn't listen when I told you about 'The Words' movie I watched last Sunday?"

"Errh..." Edward stammered, realizing his mistake. Rose chimed in, "For Merlin's sake, he's a muggle celebrity, a talented movie actor."

"Oh!" Edward corrected himself. Then he thought of something and said, "Vicky baby, you said you'll marry me?" Victory looked at him, processing what he said, and blushed deeply. She said, "Rose, hurry! We need to practice the dance for the upcoming Celestial Ball."

Rose smirked and replied, "I have some work to do, so I'm busy now, Sis. You can spend time with Edward," playfully pushing Fred, James, Albus, and Scorpius with her. She left the love birds alone in the hall.

But suddenly, Scorpius snatched his hand from Rose's grip and with a lowered head, rushed toward the dungeons, heading to his dorm. Everyone was taken aback by his sudden behavior.

"What happened to him?" James asked, concerned.

"I don't know. He became quiet after the session. He hasn't uttered a single word since," Albus said.
Rose sighed and said, "Albus, go check on him. He needs you. Goodnight."

With that, everyone left.

Celia's POV:

I stepped into my cabin, my legs feeling as unsteady as if I were a tipsy dancer. What just transpired today? Was it all a surreal dream, or something more? Why is he so intoxicating? "Ummmhhh..." I took a long breath, still enveloped in the lingering scent of his addictive cologne, a blend of cedarwood and bergamot. Not that he is the only handsome man I've ever encountered. Mr. Malfoy is also... Suddenly, my mood soured. "What am I doing? Why am I thinking so lowly about my colleague and my doctor?"

I managed to make my way to the bed and started removing my suit and pants. "Who are you, Romeo Milord? And what are you doing to me? I find such solace in your arms, to the point of becoming addicted to you. Your golden allure drives me mad, but this sense of desolation keeps haunting me incessantly. Tell me, where will I go..."

"SSsseeliiaaa! SSsseeliiaaa!"

A whisper-like sound echoed through the room, and I jolted, asking, "Who's there?" My trance broke, and I scanned my bedroom, lamps aglow, but no one in sight. Wearing only my bra and panties, I draped myself in a sheet and cautiously explored the kitchen and living room. Still, there was no sign of anyone. Perhaps I'm just exhausted from all that's happened, I thought. However, as a chilling breeze brushed against my shoulder, I realized the window was left open.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips. "Ah, I must have forgotten to close the window. It was probably just some nocturnal bird's sound that I heard." I closed the window, dismissing any unease, and returned to my bed, ready to rest my weary mind.

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