Stand By Me

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The man spoke slowly, his gaze steady. "He may be like a son to you, but he isn't your son and that's the difference."
I cried out, "Draco!"
His words pierced me, making me feel small and unloved. How little he thinks of me? Tears welled up, tracing silent paths down my cheek. The pain in my injured hand flared suddenly, and he slowly released his grip.

"There you are, Kitty! I've been looking all over for you... oh." Romeo's voice drew near, then faltered as he saw Draco with me. "Out in the garden at noon? Taking a break, brother?"

Draco's tone was sharp. "This is my house, Romeo. I can be in the garden or anywhere whenever I please."

"Of course, of course..." Romeo turned to me, concern written on his face.
"Oh Merlin! What's this, Kitty?" He grasped my hand, noticing the white rose tightly clutched in my fingers, its lower petals stained red by my blood. I swallowed hard, unable to meet his gaze.

"It's nothing," I faltered. "I just picked a rose, and it pricked me accidentally."

Romeo huffed softly and lifted my chin gently. "Look at me, kitty. Do you think this handsome man here is stupid? A rose doesn't draw blood like this unless it's pressed hard. I may not be a healer, but I have common sense." His voice softened as he glared at Draco, who stood silently by the fountain. Turning back to me, he said, "My dear, it's okay. You don't have to tell me what happened, but I'm here for you."

He carefully took the bloody rose, causing a twinge of pain, and examined it. Then, with a small smile, he walked over to Draco and tucked it into the chest pocket of his white coat. "Looks good there, brother. Suits you," he remarked knowingly. Taking my hand, we made our way back inside the Malfoy mansion. Glancing back at the garden, I saw Draco standing motionless, a whirlwind of emotions in his eyes. The blood from the rose seeped into his pocket, staining it with dark red spots, resembling a bleeding heart.


Inside the mansion, I find myself seated on corner of Romeo's bed as he sits beside me to tends to my wound with a potion. "You know, being a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, I've had to keep various potions. You never know when they might come in handy," he remarks with a smile as he begins to apply the potion.

I return his smile, feeling a warmth spread through me at his caring gesture. From the very beginning, he's shown me such kindness, treating me as delicately as if I were made of glass. But I ignored him. As I watch him, I can't help but admire his compassionate nature.
Sunlight streams through the window, casting a soft glow on his pale face. A gentle autumn breeze drifts into the room, causing his dark locks to sway gently. Despite the distractions, he remains focused on tending to my wounded hand, his concentration unwavering. His lips, tinted with a faint pink hue, are slightly parted in concentration. In this moment, he seems almost divine, his care and attention akin to that of a benevolent deity.

As my mind clouds over and my gaze wanders, my throat grows dry. I attempt to quench the thirst by swallowing, and suddenly, he looks up at me.
"What's wrong? Do you need some water?" His voice breaks through my daze, but I find myself lost in his captivating blue eyes, like the serene waters of a crystal pond. He nudges me gently. "Hey, love, want some water?"

I snap back to reality.
"Huh? Oh, no... Nothing," I mumble, averting my gaze downward. He chuckled softly, and I looked at him, confused. He shook his head, his signature boyish smile playing on his lips. Leaning closer, he pressed his lips against mine. The suddenness of it all left me momentarily stunned, but as I began to reciprocate, I savored the taste of his lips. They were sweet, like sugar dissolving on my tongue, quenching the thirst of my parched throat and making him irresistible.

I craved more; this fleeting taste was not enough. I yearned to indulge in the sugary syrup of his petal-like lips. I found myself sucking on his lips hungrily, hoping to delve deeper into their sweetness. A soft groan escaped his lips as he deepened the kiss, cupping my head from behind, sending shivers down my spine. I moaned softly, unable to resist my intrusive thoughts as I slowly crawled onto his lap, our lips still locked in a passionate embrace. As I began to grind against his firm, slender thigh, he gently bit my lower lip and pulled it with his teeth, murmuring,
"Kitty, are you sure? Do you want to do this?" Suddenly, I snapped out of my reverie, wide-eyed with realization. Merlin's socks! How shameless I had been. Quickly, I retreated from his lap, murmuring apologies.

"I... I'm sorry," I mumbled, feeling guilty for my forward actions. He smiled warmly, wrapping one arm around my shoulder as he reassured me,
"Hey, darling, don't feel guilty. It's perfectly normal. Take all the time you need; I'll wait for you for eternity. Your consent matters most to me, and I know you wouldn't make any decision hastily." With a gentle peck on my forehead, he asked, "Okay?"

I smiled shyly, tears welling in my eyes. "Romeo, how do you know me so well?" Emotions choked my voice as I spoke.

He chuckled softly. "Let's just say we're made for each other," he teased.

I blushed, feeling a rush of emotions. "Um... actually..."

"Tell me, love. Whatever you're thinking, just tell me," he encouraged.

"Well, actually... I was wondering... what are we now?" I asked nervously. "Are we in a relationship? Um... I've never dated before in my life... I know it sounds strange coming from a woman in her early thirties, but circumstances kept me more at home than outside, so... I don't mind if it's nothing to you... I just wanted to clarify..."

"Hush, hush, hush," he interrupted gently, placing his fingers on my lips. "Kitty, don't worry about trivial things like that. There's no age limit for experiencing something new! And yes, we're now boyfriend and girlfriend. Don't be sad about missing out on teenage romance; I'll make sure you experience everything a woman desires. And I don't care whether you're experienced or not; I love you for who you are, not your sexual history. While intimacy is a part of romance, it's not the main part, so don't ever think less of yourself because of it."

As his comforting words washed over me, I found myself unable to resist the urge to embrace him tightly, seeking solace in his arms and nuzzling my face against his chest. It felt surreal-a woman in her early thirties behaving like a little girl-but in his presence, all societal norms seemed to fade away. Perhaps he possessed some kind of spell; who knows ? All I knew was that I wanted to savor every moment with him, cocooned in his embrace.

In that fleeting moment, the persona of the renowned potion scholar, Celia Tina Scamander, who was always adorned with a mask of strength, power, intelligence, and wisdom, began to soften and melt away. It was a gradual but undeniable transformation, as I allowed myself to embrace vulnerability and authenticity in his presence.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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