Favor,Secrets, and a Floating Ghost

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"May I come in, Professor?" I heard a gentle voice requesting after a polite knock on my door. Engrossed in grading the potion assignments of the third-years, I directed my gaze towards the source. There stood Professor Milord, emanating an aura of sophistication, dressed in a sleek black suit with impeccably combed back hair and thin-framed black glasses. As memories of last night's delightful encounter flashed through my mind, a blush crept up my cheeks, accompanied by an unexpected surge of warmth. Composing myself and reprimanding my mind for indulging in inappropriate thoughts, I managed to offer him a smile. Rising from my seat, I greeted him, saying, "Good morning, Professor! Yes, please come in." He stepped into the room, his eyes briefly scanning the interior as if assessing it. "So, tell me, Professor, how can I assist you?" I inquired. He ceased his perusal and fixed his gaze upon me, his eyes penetrating my very soul. Then, with a smile, he spoke, "I came here to ask you for a favor."

"Huh?" I responded curiosity piqued.

"Today, I am conducting the practical defense class, and I thought it would be beneficial to organize a friendly duel event among the students. Therefore, I require an assistant. Considering your expertise and commendable teaching of this class before, I wondered if you were available today at six PM. Rest assured, I obtained permission from the headmistress, who agreed to cover some of your potion classes for today, solely if you assist me," he explained.

I regarded him with confusion and suggested, "Well, it's a great idea indeed, but Professor McGonagall is more experienced in this field. You could ask her as well."

He cast pleading eyes upon me and implored, "I did ask her, but she mentioned needing rest for her weary bones. You are the only expert left on my list, Professor. Please, don't deny."

Chuckling, I responded, "Ha ha ha. Professor Milord, don't fret. I'm merely pointing out that she excels in defense against the dark arts. I will gladly assist you today, worry not."

Upon hearing my acceptance, his boyish smile returned, and he thanked me before taking his leave.

What an innocent soul, I mused, smiling to myself.

After two hours of finishing up grading and teaching the fifth-year Ravenclaw and Slytherin classes, I stepped out to enjoy some fresh air. With Minerva covering two of my potion classes today, I had ample time before my next session. Contemplating my options, I decided to make my way to the astronomy tower, knowing it would be deserted in the afternoon. As I entered the tower, I caught a faint groaning sound, initially dismissing it as the wandering creatures from the forbidden forest just beyond. "hhggmmm mmmm," the sound reached my ears once more, this time accompanied by shuffling movements in my peripheral vision. Curiosity piqued, I cautiously moved towards the corner, where a large shadowy figure seemed to be in motion.

"Evenasca!" I cast, illuminating the area where the figure had fallen to the floor.

"Ow! Aw!" Two distinct voices expressed their pain, and I discovered two figures lying on the ground-a boy and a girl.

"Mr. Lupin, Miss Weasley, care to explain?" I addressed them with a stoic expression.

The girl let out a shriek and attempted to hide behind the boy. Rubbing his head, the boy glanced at me and stammered, "A-An-Angel? I mean, Professor?"

I nodded stoically and demanded, "Explain."

"Well, actually... I... no, we... ahm..." Their flushed cheeks, messy hair, and swollen lips caught my attention.

Both of them stood and mumbled, "We are sorry, Professor," with their heads bowed. Emotionlessly, I responded, "Meet me after dinner, both of you and clean the cauldron."

Lupin looked bewildered and exclaimed, "What? But I have Quidditch practice tonight!" I replied sternly, "Spending quality time with partners is beneficial as long as it doesn't hinder your studies or responsibilities. Hurry to your classes, or I will deduct points from both of you." Without uttering another word, they hurriedly left the scene.

After the kids left the tower, I found solace by standing before the colossal stone window, embracing the cool breeze that swept through. My mind was consumed by turmoil, unsure of what had befallen Malfoy. I knew I had to confront him directly, whether here or at his house. If my actions had caused harm or if any misdeeds had come between us, I had the right to know. It was my responsibility to mend the rift between us.

"You're ignoring me, Sugerplum! How heartlessly cruel you are, Angie!" A faint voice murmured beside me. Without turning to face the owner of the voice, I responded, "If you're thinking of playing a prank on me, now is not the time. I need this break, Freddy! And by the way, I'm older than you."

"Woah! If I were still alive, I'm pretty sure I'd be older than you right now. And do you really think I'm thaaaattttt bad? I'm a gentleman, sorry, a gentleghost, Angie!" he playfully exclaimed, feigning hurt. My lips curved into a smile as I retorted, "A gentleman whose assistant is Peeves? How impressive!" He chuckled and replied, "You know how kind I am. He practically begged me to be his secretary once I joined here as a ghost." As he spoke, a tinge of sadness crossed his face. I observed his transparent, floating figure and sympathized, saying, "I understand, Fred. How it feels to be trapped in a dimension, unable to touch or converse with familiar faces." He gazed at me with fading, inquisitive eyes. I absentmindedly caressed the heart-shaped locket around my neck, which opened to reveal a trillium flower shape, encasing a clock, symbols, and a moving picture of a man and woman. "My biological parents. I don't remember them, but they're always with me." The ghost interrupted me, "You..."

"Yes, the Scamanders are my foster parents. But they loves me so much that made me forget about my past," I replied. He inquired, "How did your biological parents...?" I locked eyes with him, a single tear tracing its path down my cheek. "I don't know. I can't remember, and my family refuses to discuss it further. There's something they're hiding from me. Rolf sometimes behaves oddly, his words like riddles that I'm meant to solve. And there are faint glimpses I can't grasp." He floated closer, his ethereal form a comforting presence. "Angie, don't cry. Everything will be alright. Believe in yourself and never let anyone change you." I nodded, wiping away the tear with my finger. I then remarked, "By the way, your niece is skipping classes." He beamed with pride, stating, "Like uncle, like niece." I playfully added, "To rendezvous with Lupin." He appeared bewildered. "Lupin?" I confirmed with a nod. "You mean Luppy Lupin? Well, Angie, think of the possibilities! Two pranksters joining forces. I'm rooting for them." We shared a laugh, shaking our heads in disbelief.

I literally can't think about the chapter's title, so bear with it 🤣

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