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As I stepped into Slughorn's party, I couldn't help but feel a wave of anxiety wash over me. Being an introvert for half of my life, attending social gatherings wasn't my cup of tea. But Penny, my colleague and bestie, was with me, and she knew exactly how to handle my nervousness.

As we mingled with other witches and vampires, a tall, well-built man with green eyes and brunette hair caught my attention. He was quite handsome and in his late thirties, although he wasn't better looking than Draco Malfoy. I shook my head at my ridiculous comparison and realized I needed therapy for my obsession with my student's dad.

Suddenly, the man interrupted my thoughts and asked "Sorry ladies for interrupting but Pen is that you?" She looked up and gave a shocked expression before screaming, "Barnaby is that you? Boy where have you gone? Why don't you tell anyone about you? " and hugged him tightly. I couldn't help but notice the way he looked at her with adoration and spinned her. "Pen I can't believe I found you in this boring awkward Slughorn's party. How are you?" He asked.

Penny just folded her hands up on her chest and complained "First of all answer my questions; where did you go suddenly without informing any of us?" He looked at her pouty face adoringly and replied "I will tell you everything Pen, let's just go somewhere less crowded place. And how are our friends doing? Jay,Merula,Murphy,Ben? " He asked.

"Oh they are doing all fine and settled."
He nodded "I missed Khanna" and smiled sadly. Penny put her hand on his shoulder. And then he asked "what's ..."
but couldn't finish his word. His eyes become sad. Penny bear hugged him and said "Jacob is also doing fine and his..." she stopped for a moment and said "sibling also. They are settled with Talbot." The man nodded and again giving his charming smile. "That's great to hear Pen. Let's go." and started to drag her.

As they caught up, I couldn't help but feel like a third wheel. I tried to sneak away, but Penny introduced me to Barnaby.
" Stop Barnaby met my colleague and my bestie Celia Scamander. And Celia meet my childhood partner in crime Barnaby Lee. He was a Slytherin and I am a Hufflepuff and we made the weirdest besty combo all the time."
I shook my hands with him " Nice to meet you Mr. Lee !" He kissed my fingers gently and said, "It's all my pleasure, Miss Scamander. Call me Barnaby."

Penny then informed him that I was the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor and the new Potion teacher. Barnaby congratulated me and then asked doubtfully, "Are you related to Newt Scamander?"

I smiled and said, "Yes, he's my grandfather." Barnaby's eyes widened, and he exclaimed, "I can't believe it! I'm talking with Newt Scamander's granddaughter! He really influenced me in a good way. Tell him I still admire him."

I laughed and said, "I will not tell him. But you can tell him when we get home for Christmas Eve. You and Penny are also invited to my brother's wedding."

Barnaby couldn't believe his ears and repeated, "Really! Thank you very much, Celia."
"It's Ellie Barnaby " I corrected him.

He then asked if he could take Penny for some time, and I nodded my head as they walked away, leaving me alone with my thoughts. As I watched them go.

I looked around and find a empty corner of the hall. As I sipped on my firewhiskey, my eyes wandered around the manor, admiring its gothic aristocratic charm. My thoughts wandered to Malfoy, despite my brain telling me to stop. I knew I needed therapy, but before I could dwell on it any longer, a commotion caught my attention. Something was moving behind the black curtains in the corner. Curiosity getting the better of me, I approached the spot and parted the curtains. To my surprise, I found a girl sitting on the floor.

"Hey, who are you?" I asked, a tinge of concern in my voice. I motioned for her to come out. "Rose! What are you doing here?" I couldn't believe my eyes. "You know you're not allowed in the party. What if someone catches you? I won't be able to help you then. Hurry up and go to Albus and Scorpius. What if your mom sees you here? Does she know?"

She shook her head and muttered, "I don't want to go to them. I hate Scorpius. He's a bad influence on my cousin." I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and asked, "Why do you think that, Rose? Have you seen him doing something wrong? Do you feel uncomfortable around him?"

She shook her head and whispered, "No, he's always been kind to me and respectful." I smiled and said, "Then don't judge someone based on what others are saying. When you see it with your own eyes, you'll know the truth. And don't worry, your cousin is smart enough to take care of himself. Now go, hurry up."

As Rose left, I continued to watch the partygoers, exchanging smiles with those I recognized. Suddenly, I felt someone's presence beside me. I turned to see Lucius Malfoy towering over me. "It's a quiet nice evening, young lady," he said in his deep voice. "Yes, Mr. Malfoy," I replied politely, unsure of what he wanted. "Now, let's get straight to the point. What are your plans, lady?" he asked, his eyes boring into mine. I was taken aback by his sudden question. "What plans?" I asked, confused.

"Don't act innocent, young lady. I can smell Anthrop Vlaveri on you. I too
detest that muggle girl meddling with my grandson. But my son is blind. He believes in equal rights, sees something good in these low creatures. I am weak and dependent on him, which is why I can't do anything. But I will protect my bloodline at all costs," he spoke, his words laced with malice. I was horrified by his accusations. "What are you talking about, Mr. Malfoy? Are you out of your mind? I love all the kids, and I have no idea what Anthrop Vlaveri is. And your son is right, he is a true wizard, unlike you. Shame on you. Are you high on something?" I yelled, my anger getting the better of me.

All of a sudden I feel someone's warm presence behind me. They stood by my side and spoke in a low voice, "Father , if you met Slughorn then you may leave the party, NOW." I couldn't help but feel relieved at his intervention.
"Draco !" I exclaimed. Then he turned to me and said, "Are you alright?" I felt ashamed that he had overheard me yelling at his father, but I nodded anyway. Lucius stammered, trying to defend himself, "Bu-but son listen to me, I know you can smell also." Draco remained emotionless as he shut down his father's ridiculous claims, "And I am saying she doesn't have anything to do with those Anthrop Vlaveri Dad. I don't have problems my son befriend with potters and Weasley. Rose is a sweet and smart girl. Our past has nothing to do with our kids' lives. And I hope no one has a problem with it. If anyone has any problem with it they can leave the mansion." Draco's serious tone left no room for argument. Lucius looked at him in astonishment before muttering something under his breath and heading upstairs.

Heaven's Riddle: Unveiling Secrets of Love and Magic || T.M.R x OC x D.MWhere stories live. Discover now