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Everyone except Hermione stayed away from Harry, yes including Ron. They didn't understand why Harry did it nor did Hermione but she knew he had a good reason and it's not like he was going to use the spell again, except for killing Voldemort.

Over this time Harry was changing.
He didn't smile as much, he didn't talk, he didn't mess around, he really didn't do anything except act more like a... well ah... Slytherin.

People didn't know why but Hermione was happy. She was Harry's best friend which led to her knowing what Harry was really like.
Harry wasn't stupid or a procrastinator but everyone seemed to love it when he made himself stand out... so he did just that... but this way he was just another student not the famous Harry Potter who killed Voldemort once and was destined to do it again.

Dumbledore was one of the very many who didn't like these changes.
Were the spells wearing off or was this just some rebellion to the students who didn't have any faith in Harry.
He didn't know but he didn't like it.

Hermione had started to hang around with Draco more which led to Harry being around Draco more... which led to more of their petty fights but their fights slowly got to the point where it was just playful.
There was no hatred, it was as if they were accepting each other but would bicker as their way of talking.

Hermione was fine with that of course and so was Blaise. It was a lot better than both having to back the other up.

This all happened 5 months ago.. it was the last trial of the triwizard tournament... and Harry.. sadly was caught up in it all.
Mad-eye had become one to give hints and help him.. but Harry was suspicious of why. Mad-eye had tested him in their first lesson together... so why would he be helping?

"Ah my favorite young wizards."

"Oh she's here." sneered Harry. Cedric silently agreed.

Cedric Diggory was a Hufflepuff but Harry and him made a good duo. One helped the other and gave each other information for something in return.. nothing came free in these games.
Life or death.. it's a hard choice to trust someone when that's the cost.

"You are not supposed to be in here." "Oh but I wanted new leads! Scoops!"

Everyone looked over and Harry was engulfed in a hug. Rita Skeeter gasped dramatically.

"Harry Potter having a girlfriend!"
Hermione and Harry separated at that sentence and looked at Rita like she was crazy.

"No she's my girlfriend get off your high horse." Draco pulled Hermione into him and Harry clapped mockingly. "Shove off Potter." "What an amazing speech!"
"Harry could you not? We are just about to take another risk for our lives." "So I have to stop lightening the mood? Sure let's sit in tense and awkwardness.. first one to reach the goblet wins right?"

Fleur froze from Harry's intense look.
He cleared his throat and pulled his glasses back up.

"Thanks 'Mione but you should get to the stands." Hermione crossed her arms stubbornly and Draco put her over his shoulder.
He walked out after nodding toward Harry and Harry turned back to the other three who were three years older.

Dumbledore stood on a large round stage in the middle of the stadiums and large maze. He stood behind a fancy podium and cleared his throat.

"This final challenge will declare our victor! This maze is full of magical vines and the walls do shift! The vines will kill you and you are allowed to use magic like the other trials!"

Mad-eye limped over to Harry who was tapping his foot quickly.

Harry put on a brave face but the few who knew him could see his nervousness. Butterflies filled Harry's stomach in anticipation for the walls in front of them to fall.

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