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'He made me cry' Tom groaned and banged his head on his desk.
Narcissa looked over and smiled.

"My lord is something wrong." "I hate him. I absolutely hate him." It was hard but Narcissa fought the giggle. "Who my lord?" "Harry Potter. He works miracles. Fucking hate the brat."
"Did he do something?"
Tom looked up and Narcissa held a hand to her mouth so the laugh wasn't visible.
"He made me cry. How the fuck is that possible?! Me cry?!" Narcissa was surprised but was also amazed at Harry's work. "My lord... maybe Harry is.. Harry Lestrange." Tom shook his head. "No. I never cried when with Harry and I never cried even when he was taken."

Harry shot up and looked over to see Ron, Draco and Hermione. "...Yeah?" "Who was in your room last night?" "Is it a lover?" "Have you found your mate?"

Harry began to be bombarded by questions and noticed Blaise was at the door.

"Guys calm down!" "We need answers!" "For merlins sake no I don't have a lover and no I didn't find my mate. The man was a friend but he isn't a student. He was having troubles and needed comforting ok?" "Who?" "Timmothy Flicket."
A smirk subconsciously tugged at Harry's lips. He still loved saying that name.
"The man that barged into the bathroom with us?" "Him?!" Harry nodded.

Harry got out of bed and pulled out his school robes.

"Harry he.. what?.. How?!" Harry looked at Hermione amused. "I'm a miracle worker that's how." Hermione rolled her eyes. "Who are you talking about?!" "The man that stayed at Malfoy Manor with us.." Hermione tried to make it obvious and was thankful when Draco got the hint..


"What?!" "Harry did they not know you knew Flicket?" Draco face palmed at Ron's question.
"No they did. They just forgot about him." Ron nodded and since he got his answers, walked out.

"How?! The dark lord isn't one for being comforted!" Harry chuckled. "I just made him so pissed his actual emotions showed." "The only emotions the dark lord has is anger and annoyance." "No. He's like every other human being Malfoy." Draco rolled his eyes. "But how? How are you so close to him but he still orders ME around?!" "I'm amazing."
Draco smacked Harry's head.
"Ow~!" "That didn't hurt!" "No it didn't." Harry sighed and changed quickly.

"How?! How the fuck could you make a man like that need comforting?!" "Malfoy just get over it. When you see Tom again he'll act as if it never happened." Draco grumbled.
"Oh guys Christmas is coming up. Draco you going home?" "Yeah." "Harry?" "Hm. Oh I'm staying here." He rinsed off his toothbrush and turned to face a pouting Hermione. "What? I'm not going to the Dursley's for Christmas 'Mione." "No! Come with Draco and I!" "Does he have to come to my house every fucking holiday?!" "See even Malfoys annoyed." "He's always annoyed with you." Hermione waved a hand in dismissal. "Anyways please come... you can show me how you made the dark lord cry too." Harry rolled his eyes. " 'Mione I already told you he'll act as if it never happened." "Have you two kissed?" "No." "Sex?" "No." "Made out?" " 'Mione if we have not kissed we have not made out." "Fine... oral?" "No." "Anything lover like?" "Nope." Hermione pouted and crossed her arms. "Yet he cries with you." "I pushed him. That's all 'Mione." Hermione rolled her eyes. "Fine. Have you gotten any closer to helping the dark lord find out his mate?" Harry sighed. "No." "My brother?" "No." "Come on Harry! You promised you'd find him!"

Draco leaned on the door as he watched the two interact... but what made him confused was when Harry was slowly getting hurt with Hermiones demands.

"Look 'Mione! I am trying! I am trying to find your brother! I am trying to help Tom find his mate! But I need time! I need to get Dumbledore around my finger to find that crap out! Give me more time!"

Harry walked out after that and Hermione crossed her arms.

"It's been a year." Draco didn't say anything but lead her out of Harry's room.

'Everyone needs me to do things. I need to prepare for next year. I need to prepare for Hermione rebelling when she comes with Ron and I to find the horcruxes. I need to prepare for when Hermione gets the dark mark with Draco.' Harry's mind raced as he walked through the halls.

Harry was so busy thinking he didn't even know he bumped into someone until his ass met the stone floor.

"Mr. Potter I presume your going to breakfast." Harry looked up to see McGonagall. "Yes Professor. I'm sorry for running into you." "You seem to have a lot on your mind." Harry sighed. "Just a lot of homework." McGonagall hummed. "Homework will not make you this tense Mr. Potter. May I suggest talking to Dumbledore if something continues to bother you." Harry sighed and nodded. "I will professor." McGonagall nodded and walked away.

'Like that old mans gonna fucking help me.' Harry sighed and walked to the Great Hall but this time at a normal pace.

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